Friday, September 20, 2024

VIDEO: "Uhh, wut was the question again?"

Last night, Queen Oprah Winfrey held a two-hour "Unite for America" (LMAO) livestream to give Kamala Harris a chance to answer some questions (at last!) about her policies, or lack thereof.

In this video, you will hear "Justin from Michigan" [not an actor, to be sure. Ed.] a young man ask the Cackler a very straightforward question: "What will be your specific steps for strengthening the border?"

That’s it. That’s all the guy asked. It wasn't a loaded question. It was a softball which your mother could have battetd out of the park. This is how the Dimocratic nominee for POTUS answered. Unlike the exploding goats story, this is real. Too real. This is the empty-headed creation of the media and DNC that you're being asked to vote for.

If you were kind of baffled when you listened to the answer, and maybe feel that the Cackler's answer wasn't all that bad, read the transcript.

KAMALA: So it’s a wonderful and important question. I, you know, my background was as a prosecutor, and I was also the elected Attorney General for two terms of a border state. So this is not a theoretical issue for me. This is something I’ve actually worked on. I have prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns, drugs, and human beings. I take very seriously the importance of having a secure border and ensuring the safety of the American people. Sadly, where we are now can be traced most recently back to the fact that when the United States Congress, members of congress, including the most conservative Republicans, came up with a border security bill—and here’s what that border security bill would’ve done: it would’ve put 1500 more border agents at the border. Let me tell you, those border agents are working around the clock. It would’ve been about giving them some support and relief, which is probably why the border agents actually endorsed the bill. It would have allowed us to stem the flow of fentanyl. And I’m looking at people from all over the country here, so I don’t need to tell the folks who are watching this what fentanyl has done to families, to kids in our country and the need to take seriously stemming the flow coming into our country; and addressing that extraordinary and tragic issue in terms of its effect. The bill would’ve allowed us to have more resources to prosecute transnational criminal organizations. And it would’ve been part of the solution. And Donald Trump called up those folks and said, Don’t put that bill on the floor for a vote. He blocked the bill, and you know why? Because he preferred to run on the problem instead of fixing the problem. And he has put his personal political security before border security. Because understand that even in the intervening months what that bill would have done to give support to folks who care about this issue. And this again gets to the point about what does leadership really look like. And, is it about you, or is it about the people? Is it about running on problems or fixing problems? My work and my career have always been about saying let’s fix problems. Let’s address the needs because we know it’s in our capacity to do that.

At this point, Oprah jumps in to bail out the sinking ship with just one sentence..

OPRAH: So to answer Justin’s question [!!!], now that that bill is gone and hasn’t passed, will you introduce that?
KAMALA: Absolutely.

VIDEO: From Lebanon: the exploding goats story

This is all over the Internet, but ICYMI... a report of a third wave of booby-traps rigged by the IDF to explode in the faces (or other parts) of Hezbollah jihadis in Lebanon.

This is too good -- too funny -- to be true. And it's not even from the Babylon Bee. Kudos to those responsible.

VIDEO: You think your job is tough?

Agent 78 complained to me the other day that she hates her job. 

Please note that she did not "share" that thought. I am sick, sore and tired of the misuse and overuse of the verb "share". People used to "say" or "tell" things. Now they just "share"! 

We even hear this in broadcast news. "A spokesperson for law enforcement shared that the perpetrator was not a citizen, but refused to share his identity or ethnicity."

And I can remember when, if a person looked like they were having a bad day, a friend might ask, "Wanna talk about it?", not "Care to share?"

But I digest... I told Agent 78 that her disgruntlement was not uncommon. I dare say [noted. Ed.] that there's not one reader who hasn't said, at some point in his/her life, "I hate my job."

Next time you feel that way, consider that you might be worse off. You might have one of these jobs.

Thanks to Agent 6 for sharing the video. (And that usage of "share" is proper!)

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

VIDEO [Illegal in California]

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) just signed a bill making memes and parody illegal in his state because of this video. Strange, considering that the lickspittle media will be more inclined to support the Cackler once they know her better. As a public service, WWW presents her self-introduction.


Gavin will be very mad if this video goes viral again! Do your part and send the link to everyone you know, especially those still suffering from the Joy of Harris.

President Trump's plan to end the Great Replacement

Looks like a pretty sound plan to me. 
What plan does Kamala Harris have? Answer comes there none.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

"Turn the page... move forward... cackle, cackle..."

Scraped from The Patriot Post.

VIDEO: which party is stoking the fires of political violence?

The Cackler, Senile Joe, and every other Dimocrat in sight are pissing and moaning about the rising level of political violence in the US of A. They blame President Trump -- the one who's being targeted, literally, for assassination. As Elon Musk said, it's funny you don't see anyone taking potshots at Kamala Harris or President Brandon.

The best comment I've been seen on the latest attempt to wax the Once and Future POTUS was posted on the Babylon Bee (of course) yesterday. Headline: "Democrats Accuse Trump Of Inciting Further Violence By Not Dying".

Who's really inciting the violence? Who really hates the Donald, J.D. Vance and all the other white male politicians? The Trump Campaign has just dropped this ad of Dimocrat leaders calling for... well, you be the judge.


If you didn't open the video yet, here's what you're missing. The ad starts with Hock Ptui "joking" about killing Trump in an elevator. It also shows Madonna, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Mrs William Clinton, Maxine Waters, and other haters. 

Yesterday, President Trump lashed out against Dumbocrats for their rhetoric in a TRUTH post. "Because of this Communist Left Rhetoric, the bullets are flying, and it will only get worse!"

Monday, September 16, 2024

Even-greater Debate upcoming: Pope Francis vs Jesus

C'mon, you know it's gotta be from the Babylon Bee, right? The Bee is "your trusted source for Christian satire". 

Excerpt: "I heard Jesus said something bigoted about 'no one coming to the Father except through me', and ugh - that's just so exclusionary! So, I've challenged God Incarnate to a debate so I can teach Him a thing or two about how people come to God."

Serious note from Ed.: Those who don't get this are invited to read the Gospel of St. John, 14:6 - "Jesus saith to him: I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me." That's what Catholics believe.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Not just a pimply-faced kid this time

Donald J. Trump, once and future President, is safe tonight after law enforcement responded to an apparent second assassination attempt, on his golf course in West Palm Beach FL.

Breitbart News reports that Mr Trump, who survived an attempt on his life at a rally in Butler PA in mid-July, was golfing on his course this afternoon, when security officers apparently encountered a man running out of some bushes, in which were found an AK-47, a GoPro camera and some other non-golf club equipment. 

Secret Service agents fired at the manafter seeing the muzzle of the gun pointing through a chain-link fence one hole ahead of where Mr Trump was playing. The person hiding in the bushes fled the scene in a car, but an alert bystander had the presence of mind to take a picture, including a clear image of the car's licence plate. The police were then able to spot the car on the Interstate, and arrest the lone occupant.

Accused of pointing an AK-47 at President Trump is 58-year-old man accused of pointing an AK-47 at former President Donald Trump is 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh, of no fixed address. According to Fox News, Mr Routh has a prolific arrest record spanning several decades. A background check revealed that he currently lives in Hawaii and has faced dozens of run-ins with police, stretching back to at least the 1990s. 

Mr Routh is a native of North Carolina, where his list of arrests includes simple drug possession, driving without a licence, expired inspection and operating a vehicle with no insurance. In addition, the Greensboro News & Record reported in 2002 that he was arrested after barricading himself in his roofing company's office during a three-hour standoff that followed a traffic stop in which he put his hand on a gun before fleeing.

As a sometime Floridian (during my misspent youth, long ago), I can tell you that all the flotsam and jetsam of American society washes up in the Sunshine State, sooner or later. So it may be that Mr Routh is just another burnout, one step ahead of the men with nets, acting on his own, for reasons (?) of his own. 

That's what the lickspittle media will want you to believe. But is it true? I'm opening a book on the possibility of a misfortunate accident happening to Mr Routh before he has a chance to tell his story. Couldn't happen, you say? Remember Lee Harvey Oswald.

Meme for a mid-September Sunday

Scraped from Patriot Post.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

VIDEO: Outgoing President shows whose side he's on now

Yes, Virginia, it appears to be a MAGA hat, donned by President Brandon in a rare moment of lucidity following the 9/11 memorial ceremonies.

The lickspittle media jumped all over President Trump this week for saying that Crooked Joe hates Harris. Not so? You be the judge. With just over seven weeks until the Day of Reckoning, if I were the Cackler, I'd be looking over my shoulder to see who's aiming at her back. 

DISCLAIMER: There is some doubt about whether Senile Joe is actually carrying a MAGA hat, or just something similar. "DC Draino" says on X:
Is Biden carrying a MAGA hat? No. 
Is he carrying a very similar red hat in front of cameras to send a message to Kamala? Yes. 
Looks like Biden is starting his revenge tour.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Key moment from the Not-so-great Debate

Scraped from Patriot Post

VIDEO: Trump's excellent closing statement, analysis from Fox

The lickspittle media would have you believe that the Not-so-great Debate (reviewed by Walt on 11/9/24) was a disaster for President Trump. It's true he rose to just about every worm from the bucket of bait thrown out by the Cackler, assisted by her prompters at the mods desk. He allowing himself to be distracted to the point where his own message got lost in the rebuttals. 

However, the once and future POTUS came on strong at the last moment. His closing statement drew an ah-mazing 17.6 million views on TikTok! In this video from Fox News, the "Outnumbered" panelists talk about why this short statement eclipsed in impact all that went before it.

Indeed. These few sentences from the Donald counteracted the liberal party line (read: party lie) that Hock Ptui "revealed her plan" to "turn the page and go forward." As President Trump said, "Why didn't she do it?!"

Normally, the candidate who supposedly won the debate could expect a bump in the polls of around 2 percent. Didn't happen! As Breitbart News revealed yesterday, Mr Trump saw his numbers in the battleground states by about 2 points. The polling memo obtained by BN shows him leading the former "Border Czar" (although she still denies that) by three points, 50%-47%, in a head-to-head ballot.

The fact that the Harris campaign is pushing for a rematch shows that they recognize that President Trump was the actual winner, no matter what the lickspittle media say. Isn't always the loser who requests the do-over? 

Why should DJT go back into the ring on the enemy's turf, alone against a team of three or more mouthpieces for the radical left? Walt says: 99% of voters (including the illegals who are going to stuff the mailboxes and ballot boxed with Dimocrat votes) have made up their minds. Enough Sturm und Drang. Could we just have some peace and quiet until the Day of Reckoning.

Footnote: Walt was glad to hear the reference, near the beginning of the video, to the victories of the AfD in Germany. Read "Good news from Occupied Germany", WWW 31/8/24.

Further reading: "Why the Debate May Not Matter at All" - Joel B. Pollak, Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News, reviews the Not-so-great Debate.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Walt reviews the Not-so-great Debate: SSDD

Yeah, I watched it -- all of it -- the made-for-TV event that the legacy media talking heads called, even before it started, "the first and probably the only" debate between President Trump and Vice-President Harris. They were that scared that the Cackler was going to crash and burn. She didn't.

[Is that it? We need at least 500 more words. Ed.] OK. Please understand that I'm doing this, deliberately, before reading or listening to any commentary from anywhere, not even Breitbart. My unvarnished, uninfluenced opinion is that the Great Debate was just Sturm und Drang -- full of sound and fury signifying nothing. In in other words: SSDD -- Same Shit Different Day.

We were told by the lickspittle media that the event would be a good chance for Ms Harris to let the public get to know her, and, more importantly, put forward some policy ideas, of which her campaign had been noticeably bereft. I heard exactly two.

For the first 20 minutes or so, she was visibly and audibly nervous, but she did manage to trot out two promises: a tax break or grant or something of $6000 for new families, and some kind of financial support for small business. She didn't say whether a start-up would have to pass the DEI test to get the help. But she made both promises twice, so maybe that counts as four. I don't know.

After that, Ms Harris got more comfortable, cackling only once, although to be fair it was more like a giggle. She defaulted to her role as prosecutor, determined to make hard the way of the Orange Transfressor.

She trotted out all the lies, all the canards, all the rumours, all the innuendo she could think of or was programmed to say. It was all there: J6 - born with a silver spoon - Charlottesville - Project 2025 - national abortion ban - responsible for wards in Afghanistan and Ukraine - and (of course) "convicted felon".

All untrue or partly true, but neither of ABC's totally biased moderators was going to fact-check her, as they tried to do with President Trump. But the strategy was clear: throw as much mud as you can at the Orange Man and make him scrape it off. 

And it worked. Mr Trump took the bait every time, and was so busy defending himself that he didn't land any heavy blows on his opponent. When he did come close, on the abortion issue for instance, the obviously biased moderators answered on the Cackler's behalf.

The first rebuttal came from Linsey Davis, the one wearing white-face makeup. After Mr Trump said some Democrats support executing babies after they are born, Ms Davis replied, "There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born," which is not what Mr Trump said, not at all. Ms Davis then quickly changed the subject, moving on to the next question.

The immoderate moderator David Muir intervened more times than did Ms Davis. It was he, not Ms Harris, who pushed back on Trump’s claim that Haitian migrants are eating dogs in Springfield OH. [Aha! Now we know what that meme was about! Ed.] Mr Muir said ABC News had looked into the claim, and had been told by Springfield's City Manager that "there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community." 

That's what politicians, bureaucrats, and sports referees always say about inconvenient truths, "Well, we didn't see it." To which normal people reply, "Are you fucking blind?!" Mr Trump was more polite, saying only "I've seen people on television."

In another exchange, Mr Muir told President Trump, "The FBI says overall violent crime is actually coming down in this countr." Mr Trump said that claim was "fraud", just like the Democrats' inflated numbers of jobs created, and deflated numbers of illegal immigrants ruining the country. 

On that point... Walt's greatest disappointment was Mr Trump's failure -- he was too busy swatting away the moderator flies -- to ask the Cackler if, in her time as Border Czar, she ever once visited the border. I'd like to have heard her (or Mr Muir) answer that one.

Mr Muir also tackled President Trump's assertion that the 2020 election was stolen from him. Mr Muir offered a "clarification", saying that Mr Trump and his allies brought some 60 lawsuits and "many" judges said "there was no widespread [sic] fraud." So that's OK then.

On behalf of Ms Harris, Mr Muir also asked about a recent comment in which Mr Trump said he "lost by a whisker." President Trump replied that he made the comment "sarcastically, you know that." Mr Muir said he watched the videos and "I didn’t detect the sarcasm." Again, normal people might say otherwise.

But Mr Muir wouldn't give up. He passed the ball to the wide received, saying to Ms Harris, "You heard the President there tonight. He said he didn’t say that he lost by a whisker. So he still believes he did not lose the election that was won by President Biden and yourself." 

President Trump appeared to want to move. "We have so many facts and statistics, but you know what? That doesn’t matter, because we have to solve the problem that we have right now. That’s old news." And so it was. SSDD.

In summary, last night President Trump marched into the lions' den, the Dimocratic stronghold of Philthydelphia, to do battle with a well-coached opponent (fresh from a week in debate camp), whose only strategy (honed to perfection by the late Great Democrat LBJ) was to tear him apart. 

The Cackler was assisted by not one but two clearly biased moderators, who actually competed with her to see who could land the knock-out blow. Despite the 3-to-1 odds, President Trump emerged largely unscathed. The only damage done was to the principles of fair debate and free speech.

Further reading: "Trump debates ABC News", by Daniel Greenfield, Front Page Magazine, 11/9/24.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

More good news for Germany, but what about the USA and Canada?

This is a follow-up to "Good news from Occupied Germany", WWW 31/8/24. Since we and most of our readers operate in the Anglosphere, we tend to forget that the countries of western Europe have similar problems (or worse) and, unlike in the AABC countries, their peoples are rising up against the Great Replacement.

Our post passed on the good news that the anti-immigration Alternativ für Deutschland (AfD) scored big wins in last week's German regional elections, topping the polls in Thuringia and running a close second in Saxony. The latest opinion surveys from Brarndenburg show the AfD likely to top the polls in the election to be held on September 22nd.

The AfD’s polling numbers in the eastern state have risen from 24% at the beginning of August to 30% in September, mirroring its results in Thuringia (33%) and Saxony (31%). Voters in the eastern states are even more fed up with the ruling three-party coalition in Berlin than their western compatriots. 

Latest polls show voters have more faith in the AfD to be tougher on migration and security than the coalition of mainstream parties that have in recent weeks put forward a couple of namby-pamby initiatives to stop terrorists and slow down the influx of migrants. 

The pro-migration policies, tax hikes, and radical climate agenda of the "traffic light" coalition (the Social Democrats (SPD), the Greens, and the liberal FDP) have drawn the ire of real (read: native-born) Germans, who are heeding the call of AfD leader Alice Weideleding. This is what she said last Sunday:

"Wir müssen uns erinnern, dass die CDU die Partei war, die die Grenzen geöffnet und offen gehalten hat. Dass die CDU die Partei ist, die aus dem AfD-Programm abschreibt, während sie gleichzeitig sämtliche Anträge, die dieses Programm widerspiegeln, im Bundestag ablehnt. Eine echte Migrationswende gibt es nur mit der AfD!"

For those who don't speak the language of Goethe, here's the translation. "We must remember that the CDU was the party that opened the borders and kept them open. That the CDU is the party that copies the AfD program, while at the same time rejecting all motions in the Bundestag that reflect this program. A real migration turnaround can only happen with the AfD!:

Dr Weidel elaborates: "We have excessive crime rates. Police crime statistics are through the roof. However, the governments in charge have made no changes at all. There is a lack of political desire for real change with regards to migration. We need a real U-turn in our country, because we do not want the murders, the rapes, the stabbings to continue on our streets and in public spaces. And you will not get that U-turn from the other parties."

How we at WWW wish that just one of our North American politicians would speak out so strongly against the occupation of our continent by the hordes of third-world benefit-seekers, imported by our "leaders", who come here for our milk and honey (as Don Cherry famously said) and bring us only all the troubles of their shithole world!

Memo to meme creator: Sorry, but Walt doesn't get this one!

WTF? But also LMAO

Scraped from Small Dead Animals.

Monday, September 9, 2024

While we're waiting... Trump takes the lead

Walt is busily checking out his TV setup to make sure he'll be able to see tomorrow night's Clash of the Titan and the Titty on ABC-TV, the network once famous for Wide Wide World of Sports (how appropriate for a political debate), and now well known for being 100% trustworthy in all matters political. Depending, of course, on who's doing the trusting.

The ABC TV guide listing for the Great Debate says: "Convicted felon lies repeatedly defending himself against attack by champion of truth, justice and diversity. Hilarity ensures." 

While you're waiting for the barrel o' laughs to begin, you might get a chuckle out of this item: "Harris Campaign Admits Tim Walz Was The Only Candidate That Answered Their Craigslist Ad"... from our friends at the Babylon Bee, of course.

The Harris campaign team won't see the humour in that story, as they contemplate the latest results from the Daily Mail election prediction model. As they reported today, the latest polls have tilted in President Trump's direction, giving him a decisive lead over the Cackler the day before they go head to head on the debate stage.

The algorithms show the Donald with a 55% chance of being re-elected, a 4.5-point boost since last week. Today's result comes hard on the heels of a New York Times/Siena College poll giving Mr Trump a one-point lead at the weekend. Will the debate make any difference? We'll see. Is it likely to be entertaining. Absolutely!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

VIDEO: Bad looks for A-Walz, he keeps getting caught in lies

Timmy A-Walz started his campaign with that famous kick-step [reminds me of the Dean Scream. Ed.] but the only thing he's been kicking since then is his own butt. Like the Cackler, he's been pretty much ensconced in the basement, refusing to answer reporters' questions, but he can't hide from the prevarications of his past. Faith, there's not a lie he hasn't told.

In this video from Fox's "The Evening Edit", former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee weighs in on numerous controversies surrounding Tampon Tim. Check it out.

Dear American friends, put on your butt-kicking shoes. The Day of Reckoning approacheth.

Further viewing: "There's Something Not Right About His Personal Life": Tucker Carlson and Dave Smith, posted on 13/8/24. Yeah... "bizarre" is a good word to describe Tampon Tim.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

VIDEO: "January 6: The Most Deadliest Day" (Trailer)

Yessiree, campers!!! The good folks at the Babylon Bee -- your trusted source for fake news for years -- finally did it. They made a movie! And it looks like being a bombshell... or a bomb... one of those things.

Walt has been posting bits and pieces from the Bee for years. We've laughed at their headlines. We've shared their viral videos. And I think we might have listened to one or two of their podcasts. But this is their first-ever full-length mockumentary. January 6: The Most Deadliest Day is a groundbreaking, soon-to-be Academy Award-winning film that exposes what really happened on that fateful day. Here's the trailer.

When and where can you see it? It'll be available to subscribers, starting on October 11th. Click here to go there. Tell `em Walt sent ya!

Tampon Tim sez anti-Israel protesters are right, doesn't mention Hamas

Michigan, the rust-bucket state made famous by Michael Moore, has the USA's largest Arab population. Travel anywhere in the Middle East, and within 24 hours you're bound to meet a rag-head who says he has relatives in Detroit. 

Michigan is one of the key swing states which is very much in play in the presidential election which will take place in less than two months. Latest polls show President Trump with a slim lead over the Cackler. 

So it was only logical that Veep wannabe "Tampon Tim" Walz should choose an interview with WCMU, the Michigan NPR outlet (of course) to deliver a pat on the keffiyeh to anti-Israel protesters who, he said, "are speaking out for all the right reasons," and that more pressure should be applied to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept a Palestinian state. 

Mr A-Walz described the October 7th attack as a "horrific act of violence against the people of Israel" and said that the Jewish state has the right to defend itself and that the United States "will always stand by that." However, he had nothing to say about the attackers. He refused to utter the word "Hamas".

The Biden-Harris administration's tepid support of Israel's response to the horrific act of Islamic terrorism could be a critical issue on Election Day in swing states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, where the margin between pro- and anti-Israel votes could be a deciding factor.

Pro-Trump Jews react
Matt Brooks, CEO of the Republican Jewish Coalition, told the Jewish News Syndicate that "Joe Biden thinks the antisemitic, anti-Israel radical protestors 'have a point', Kamala Harris appeases them, saying they 'are showing exactly what the human emotion should be' and now Tim Walz believes they 'are speaking out for all the right reasons.' What a total disgrace.

"Let’s be clear," Mr Brooks added. "The mobs on our streets and college campuses are wildly antisemitic and anti-Israel and should be totally condemned in the strongest possible terms. It is shameful and appalling that the top leaders of today’s Democratic Party cannot firmly and directly reject their vile antisemitic base."

He concluded, "Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are choosing to put partisan politics ahead of the safety and security of the Jewish community and America's key ally as it fights a war for its very survival. It is disgusting, and the American people will reject Harris and Walz’s extremism in November. Their priorities are clearly not our priorities. Harris and Walz stand with the radical squad, not with us."

Note from Ed.: Thanks to Artwork Arnie for the, errr, artwork!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Sean Hannity tells the truth about the Cackler and Timmy A-walz

Dear American readers... If you're still undecided about who to vote for in two months' time -- the circus closes on November 5th -- Sean Hannity has done you a hyuge favour by posting, all in one place, The Kamala/Walz File -- the audio clips they don't want you to hear

It's a complete collection of the podcasts in which he reveals the truth, in their own words, about the extremist policies of Kamala Harris and Timmy Walz -- far different from what the Dimocrat Duo and their lickspittle media are telling you now. Included are their most radical soundbites, which have now been carefully scrubbed from the liberal "mainstream" media.   

You can click on these titles to go straight to the podcasts, or click on the link about to see the complete lists. Be sure to check them out. The future of America depends on keeping these two radical leftists from getting their dirty hands on the levers of power. Please help by sharing this post.

And don't miss this! - "Source Says Kamala Was Promoted At McDonald's After Having Affair With Mayor McCheese", from the funny folkers at Babylon Bee (where else?).

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Can you stand any more joy?

Walt recommends The Patriot Post most highly. 
Not just great memes and cartoons, but a good digest of the real news. MAGA!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

VIDEO: Female politician aces CNN interview

LOL, noooo, we're definitely not talking about Cackler Harris, whose super-friendly, super-scripted, interview by the Clinton News Network's supercilious Dana Bash bombed bigtime on Thursday night.

Hock Ptui had no answer for what she would do on her first day as President on Day One. She had no answer for her supposed flip-flops on radical ideas she's held for two decades. She looked diminished, unsure of herself, and, above all, unpresidential

The optics of the interview -- the dark warehouse look -- was bad enough, but the soon-to-be-ex Veep looked like a little kid finally allowed at the grown-up table. Her decision to bring running mate Timmy A-walz along made her look especially weak. It didn't do anything for Mr Stolen Valour either. "Why is he there?" was the question of the evening.

No. We're talking about former Congresswoman (and ex-Democrat!) Tulsi Gabbard, who appeared this morning on CNN's "State of the Union" propaganda-fest. Here what Ms Gabbard, who is now helping President Trump prepare for the next Great Debate, had to say about the Cackler's record and why she'd rather not talk about it.   

Did you catch the play about the "secret domestic terror watchlist"? It begins around 2:50. Sounds like the the CNN's anti-Trumper got blindsided to that one as she stammers, "Oh. Uh. I'm not familiar with the "secret domestic terror watchlist". We're definitely going to follow up on that one. But I want to move on..." Yes. Nothing here to see. Move along quickly!

This is only the third time we've posted a video featuring Tulsi Gabbard. She got Walt's attention in October of 2022 when she resigned from the Dimocratic Party. In "Tulsi Gabbard... say wut?" (WWW 11/10/22) she gives her reasons for so doing.

Fast forward to this July when, in "Which twin has the Toni?" (WWW 22/7/24), she told the truth about Ms Harris' vaunted record as a prosecutor, which she demolished again today.

Walt is a big fan of J.D. Vance. If you haven't read Hillbilly Elegy, see the movie! But in the back of my mind, I'm thinking: wouldn't Tulsi Gabbard have made an even better running-mate? She's definitely in line for a top position -- Secretary of Justic, maybe? -- in President Trump's new cabinet!

Also worth watching: "It was like a wolf promising to be a vegan!", Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) reacts to the CNN interview, on Fox News, 31/8/24.