Saturday, September 14, 2024

VIDEO: Outgoing President shows whose side he's on now

Yes, Virginia, it appears to be a MAGA hat, donned by President Brandon in a rare moment of lucidity following the 9/11 memorial ceremonies.

The lickspittle media jumped all over President Trump this week for saying that Crooked Joe hates Harris. Not so? You be the judge. With just over seven weeks until the Day of Reckoning, if I were the Cackler, I'd be looking over my shoulder to see who's aiming at her back. 

DISCLAIMER: There is some doubt about whether Senile Joe is actually carrying a MAGA hat, or just something similar. "DC Draino" says on X:
Is Biden carrying a MAGA hat? No. 
Is he carrying a very similar red hat in front of cameras to send a message to Kamala? Yes. 
Looks like Biden is starting his revenge tour.

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