Sunday, September 1, 2024

VIDEO: Female politician aces CNN interview

LOL, noooo, we're definitely not talking about Cackler Harris, whose super-friendly, super-scripted, interview by the Clinton News Network's supercilious Dana Bash bombed bigtime on Thursday night.

Hock Ptui had no answer for what she would do on her first day as President on Day One. She had no answer for her supposed flip-flops on radical ideas she's held for two decades. She looked diminished, unsure of herself, and, above all, unpresidential

The optics of the interview -- the dark warehouse look -- was bad enough, but the soon-to-be-ex Veep looked like a little kid finally allowed at the grown-up table. Her decision to bring running mate Timmy A-walz along made her look especially weak. It didn't do anything for Mr Stolen Valour either. "Why is he there?" was the question of the evening.

No. We're talking about former Congresswoman (and ex-Democrat!) Tulsi Gabbard, who appeared this morning on CNN's "State of the Union" propaganda-fest. Here what Ms Gabbard, who is now helping President Trump prepare for the next Great Debate, had to say about the Cackler's record and why she'd rather not talk about it.   

Did you catch the play about the "secret domestic terror watchlist"? It begins around 2:50. Sounds like the the CNN's anti-Trumper got blindsided to that one as she stammers, "Oh. Uh. I'm not familiar with the "secret domestic terror watchlist". We're definitely going to follow up on that one. But I want to move on..." Yes. Nothing here to see. Move along quickly!

This is only the third time we've posted a video featuring Tulsi Gabbard. She got Walt's attention in October of 2022 when she resigned from the Dimocratic Party. In "Tulsi Gabbard... say wut?" (WWW 11/10/22) she gives her reasons for so doing.

Fast forward to this July when, in "Which twin has the Toni?" (WWW 22/7/24), she told the truth about Ms Harris' vaunted record as a prosecutor, which she demolished again today.

Walt is a big fan of J.D. Vance. If you haven't read Hillbilly Elegy, see the movie! But in the back of my mind, I'm thinking: wouldn't Tulsi Gabbard have made an even better running-mate? She's definitely in line for a top position -- Secretary of Justic, maybe? -- in President Trump's new cabinet!

Also worth watching: "It was like a wolf promising to be a vegan!", Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) reacts to the CNN interview, on Fox News, 31/8/24.

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