Saturday, September 7, 2024

VIDEO: "January 6: The Most Deadliest Day" (Trailer)

Yessiree, campers!!! The good folks at the Babylon Bee -- your trusted source for fake news for years -- finally did it. They made a movie! And it looks like being a bombshell... or a bomb... one of those things.

Walt has been posting bits and pieces from the Bee for years. We've laughed at their headlines. We've shared their viral videos. And I think we might have listened to one or two of their podcasts. But this is their first-ever full-length mockumentary. January 6: The Most Deadliest Day is a groundbreaking, soon-to-be Academy Award-winning film that exposes what really happened on that fateful day. Here's the trailer.

When and where can you see it? It'll be available to subscribers, starting on October 11th. Click here to go there. Tell `em Walt sent ya!

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