Monday, September 30, 2024

European Right on the rise! Freedom Party wins Austrian election

More good news from central Europe, this time from Austria. Kronen Zeitung reports that the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) has topped the polls in this weekend's election for the National Council, winning an estimated 29.2% of the total vote. 

The populist party (labelled "far right" by the lickspittle media, of course) led by former interior minister Herbert Kickl bested the governing neo-liberal Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) led by Chancellor Karl Nehammer at 26%, and the left-wing opposition Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) at 21%. The farther-left New Austria and Liberal Forum (NEOS) got 9% and eco-wienie Green Alternative (GRÜNE) brang up the rear with 8%.

The win for FPÖ) echos strong showings for the like-minded [and right-minded. Ed.] Alternativ für Deutschland (AfD) in elections in the German states of Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg. See "Good news from Occupied Germany" WWW 31/8/24, and "More good news for Germany, but what about the USA and Canada?", WWW 10/9/24.

From this side of the Atlantic, it looks like yet another defeat for the socialists, Euro-wienies, one-worlders and their fellow travellers. Issues such as mass migration, the economic downturn throughout the EU, and growing opposition to support for the war in Ukraine propelled the Freedom Party to victory.

The results mark the first time in the Second Republic of Austria, and the first time since the Freedom Party was founded in 1956, that the FPÖ came out on top of a national election. Herr Kickl, who stridently opposed coronavirus lockdown diktats and serves as a leading critic of the open borders agenda, called for a "Fortress Austria" -- an immediate halt to the acceptance of asylum-seekers and bogus refueees -- and backed "remigration" policies of encouraging foreigners to return to their homelands.

Herbert Kickl said after his victory that his party is ready to govern and that it will not back away from its positions. "My big thanks go to the citizens," he said. "It was not easy to go against this political system. The voters have delivered a powerful message."

Meanwhile, in America and Canada, who dares to campaign on an platform which is honestly and openly against mass immigration? Anyone? Answer comes there none. 

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