Tuesday, September 24, 2024

3 things that could upset the electoral applecart

As I remarked yesterday, things are very quiet on the electoral front. 

Comrade Harris's handlers are running a textbook "basement campaign", just as they did with Senile Joe four years ago. Since the couple of interviews she gave were dumpster fires, she doesn't do interviews any more. She's appeared at a few small rallies and fundraisers, but doesn't do pressers. When someone somehow asks a question, her stock answer is, "So, I was raised in a middle-class family." That's it, that's all. Nothing to see or hear here, folks.

As for the Donald, he's out there doing rallies, making speeches, putting himself forward. Yesterday he spoke at events in Ohio and Indiana, in the same day. We're told the campaign plan for the next 40 days is to get out there into the red states, the blue states, and the purple states -- anywhere he can get a crowd, and that includes New York, California, Wisconsin and North Carolina!

The trouble is that getting out to see the American people and let them see him -- "They didn't get me yet!" -- is risky. It's not as if presidential candidates, and even sitting presidents, haven't been shot before. I'm minded of George Wallace, because this Routh, apparently suffering from severe TDS, is the same kind of nutjob who nearly killed the Little Judge and certainly ended his campaign. I do hope someone other than the security forces of the Deep State has Mr Trump's back.

Here are three things that could happen between now and the Day of Reckoning which would force the Cackler's hand and throw the election into confusion and chaos.

Demented Joe dies, or Article 25 is invoked. Brandon's "good days" -- when he knows what's going on around him -- are becoming increasingly rare. The gaffes and "senior moments" are becoming downright embarrassing. Even staunch Dimocrats should be uncomfortable when their President's wife starts running cabinet meetings!

If the President [pro tem! Ed.] kicks the bucket or is found to be non compos mentis so there's no choice but to remove him from office under the provisions of Article 25 of the Constitution, that would make the Cackler... wait for it... President. Ready or not. Among the issues she would be forced to deal with would be

The outbreak of a full-on war by Israel against both Hamas and Hezbollah. Things are starting to get hot and heavy in and around Israel. Yesterday, campers, the government you (allegedly) elected sent more American troops to the Middle East in the run-up to the next Gulf War. How many troops or where they will be deployed is, of course, a state secret. 

What will Hock Ptui (or, more accurately) her handlers do when the shit-hammer falls? Whose side will she take -- the Jews or the Arabs? It won't be possible to remain on tghe fence, or to say "I was raised in a middle-class family" any longer. 

Questions will also be raised, quite properly, about why the administration of which Ms Harris is so proud to be a part didn't do anything to prevent the hostilities reaching this boiling point. Senile Joe and Winken Blinken have put forth no plans, drawn no red lines, or done anything except to urge the warring parties to keep talking. Is the Biden-Harris tag team going to do anything of substance between now and November 5th, ot just wait and hope the whole thing blows over?

There is also the possibility that Deep State may finally succeed (God forbid!) in its efforts to assassinate President Trump. Let's skip the outrage and recriminations and consider the reality. Walt's legal advisor (Agent 3) is weak on US constitutional law, but believes that it is now too late to remove Citizen Trump from the ballot. And even if his name no longer appears on the ballot, you could write him in. So you will be able to vote for him, even if he's dead.

What happens, then, if the late Donald Trump wins? Remember that he has a running mate, the estimable Senator J.D. Vance, and (Agent 3 thinks) in most states you vote for them together, as a team. So if the Republican team, now down its star quarterback, wins, doesn't that make the second-string quarterback President?

But wait (as Vince Offer would say), there's more... It's not the popular vote that really counts, but the vote in the Electoral College. When you vote Republican -- you will, won't you? --  you are really voting for a slate of electors bound to cast their votes for... well, it could be anyone. And their votes would almost certainly go to J.D. So the death of President Trump could very well result in the election of J.D. Vance as 47th President of the United States of America!

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