Friday, September 20, 2024

VIDEO: You think your job is tough?

Agent 78 complained to me the other day that she hates her job. 

Please note that she did not "share" that thought. I am sick, sore and tired of the misuse and overuse of the verb "share". People used to "say" or "tell" things. Now they just "share"! 

We even hear this in broadcast news. "A spokesperson for law enforcement shared that the perpetrator was not a citizen, but refused to share his identity or ethnicity."

And I can remember when, if a person looked like they were having a bad day, a friend might ask, "Wanna talk about it?", not "Care to share?"

But I digest... I told Agent 78 that her disgruntlement was not uncommon. I dare say [noted. Ed.] that there's not one reader who hasn't said, at some point in his/her life, "I hate my job."

Next time you feel that way, consider that you might be worse off. You might have one of these jobs.

Thanks to Agent 6 for sharing the video. (And that usage of "share" is proper!)

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