Friday, September 20, 2024

VIDEO: "Uhh, wut was the question again?"

Last night, Queen Oprah Winfrey held a two-hour "Unite for America" (LMAO) livestream to give Kamala Harris a chance to answer some questions (at last!) about her policies, or lack thereof.

In this video, you will hear "Justin from Michigan" [not an actor, to be sure. Ed.] a young man ask the Cackler a very straightforward question: "What will be your specific steps for strengthening the border?"

That’s it. That’s all the guy asked. It wasn't a loaded question. It was a softball which your mother could have battetd out of the park. This is how the Dimocratic nominee for POTUS answered. Unlike the exploding goats story, this is real. Too real. This is the empty-headed creation of the media and DNC that you're being asked to vote for.

If you were kind of baffled when you listened to the answer, and maybe feel that the Cackler's answer wasn't all that bad, read the transcript.

KAMALA: So it’s a wonderful and important question. I, you know, my background was as a prosecutor, and I was also the elected Attorney General for two terms of a border state. So this is not a theoretical issue for me. This is something I’ve actually worked on. I have prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns, drugs, and human beings. I take very seriously the importance of having a secure border and ensuring the safety of the American people. Sadly, where we are now can be traced most recently back to the fact that when the United States Congress, members of congress, including the most conservative Republicans, came up with a border security bill—and here’s what that border security bill would’ve done: it would’ve put 1500 more border agents at the border. Let me tell you, those border agents are working around the clock. It would’ve been about giving them some support and relief, which is probably why the border agents actually endorsed the bill. It would have allowed us to stem the flow of fentanyl. And I’m looking at people from all over the country here, so I don’t need to tell the folks who are watching this what fentanyl has done to families, to kids in our country and the need to take seriously stemming the flow coming into our country; and addressing that extraordinary and tragic issue in terms of its effect. The bill would’ve allowed us to have more resources to prosecute transnational criminal organizations. And it would’ve been part of the solution. And Donald Trump called up those folks and said, Don’t put that bill on the floor for a vote. He blocked the bill, and you know why? Because he preferred to run on the problem instead of fixing the problem. And he has put his personal political security before border security. Because understand that even in the intervening months what that bill would have done to give support to folks who care about this issue. And this again gets to the point about what does leadership really look like. And, is it about you, or is it about the people? Is it about running on problems or fixing problems? My work and my career have always been about saying let’s fix problems. Let’s address the needs because we know it’s in our capacity to do that.

At this point, Oprah jumps in to bail out the sinking ship with just one sentence..

OPRAH: So to answer Justin’s question [!!!], now that that bill is gone and hasn’t passed, will you introduce that?
KAMALA: Absolutely.

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