Saturday, September 7, 2024

Tampon Tim sez anti-Israel protesters are right, doesn't mention Hamas

Michigan, the rust-bucket state made famous by Michael Moore, has the USA's largest Arab population. Travel anywhere in the Middle East, and within 24 hours you're bound to meet a rag-head who says he has relatives in Detroit. 

Michigan is one of the key swing states which is very much in play in the presidential election which will take place in less than two months. Latest polls show President Trump with a slim lead over the Cackler. 

So it was only logical that Veep wannabe "Tampon Tim" Walz should choose an interview with WCMU, the Michigan NPR outlet (of course) to deliver a pat on the keffiyeh to anti-Israel protesters who, he said, "are speaking out for all the right reasons," and that more pressure should be applied to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept a Palestinian state. 

Mr A-Walz described the October 7th attack as a "horrific act of violence against the people of Israel" and said that the Jewish state has the right to defend itself and that the United States "will always stand by that." However, he had nothing to say about the attackers. He refused to utter the word "Hamas".

The Biden-Harris administration's tepid support of Israel's response to the horrific act of Islamic terrorism could be a critical issue on Election Day in swing states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, where the margin between pro- and anti-Israel votes could be a deciding factor.

Pro-Trump Jews react
Matt Brooks, CEO of the Republican Jewish Coalition, told the Jewish News Syndicate that "Joe Biden thinks the antisemitic, anti-Israel radical protestors 'have a point', Kamala Harris appeases them, saying they 'are showing exactly what the human emotion should be' and now Tim Walz believes they 'are speaking out for all the right reasons.' What a total disgrace.

"Let’s be clear," Mr Brooks added. "The mobs on our streets and college campuses are wildly antisemitic and anti-Israel and should be totally condemned in the strongest possible terms. It is shameful and appalling that the top leaders of today’s Democratic Party cannot firmly and directly reject their vile antisemitic base."

He concluded, "Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are choosing to put partisan politics ahead of the safety and security of the Jewish community and America's key ally as it fights a war for its very survival. It is disgusting, and the American people will reject Harris and Walz’s extremism in November. Their priorities are clearly not our priorities. Harris and Walz stand with the radical squad, not with us."

Note from Ed.: Thanks to Artwork Arnie for the, errr, artwork!

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