Tuesday, September 10, 2024

More good news for Germany, but what about the USA and Canada?

This is a follow-up to "Good news from Occupied Germany", WWW 31/8/24. Since we and most of our readers operate in the Anglosphere, we tend to forget that the countries of western Europe have similar problems (or worse) and, unlike in the AABC countries, their peoples are rising up against the Great Replacement.

Our post passed on the good news that the anti-immigration Alternativ für Deutschland (AfD) scored big wins in last week's German regional elections, topping the polls in Thuringia and running a close second in Saxony. The latest opinion surveys from Brarndenburg show the AfD likely to top the polls in the election to be held on September 22nd.

The AfD’s polling numbers in the eastern state have risen from 24% at the beginning of August to 30% in September, mirroring its results in Thuringia (33%) and Saxony (31%). Voters in the eastern states are even more fed up with the ruling three-party coalition in Berlin than their western compatriots. 

Latest polls show voters have more faith in the AfD to be tougher on migration and security than the coalition of mainstream parties that have in recent weeks put forward a couple of namby-pamby initiatives to stop terrorists and slow down the influx of migrants. 

The pro-migration policies, tax hikes, and radical climate agenda of the "traffic light" coalition (the Social Democrats (SPD), the Greens, and the liberal FDP) have drawn the ire of real (read: native-born) Germans, who are heeding the call of AfD leader Alice Weideleding. This is what she said last Sunday:

"Wir müssen uns erinnern, dass die CDU die Partei war, die die Grenzen geöffnet und offen gehalten hat. Dass die CDU die Partei ist, die aus dem AfD-Programm abschreibt, während sie gleichzeitig sämtliche Anträge, die dieses Programm widerspiegeln, im Bundestag ablehnt. Eine echte Migrationswende gibt es nur mit der AfD!"

For those who don't speak the language of Goethe, here's the translation. "We must remember that the CDU was the party that opened the borders and kept them open. That the CDU is the party that copies the AfD program, while at the same time rejecting all motions in the Bundestag that reflect this program. A real migration turnaround can only happen with the AfD!:

Dr Weidel elaborates: "We have excessive crime rates. Police crime statistics are through the roof. However, the governments in charge have made no changes at all. There is a lack of political desire for real change with regards to migration. We need a real U-turn in our country, because we do not want the murders, the rapes, the stabbings to continue on our streets and in public spaces. And you will not get that U-turn from the other parties."

How we at WWW wish that just one of our North American politicians would speak out so strongly against the occupation of our continent by the hordes of third-world benefit-seekers, imported by our "leaders", who come here for our milk and honey (as Don Cherry famously said) and bring us only all the troubles of their shithole world!

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