Saturday, July 31, 2021

VIDEO: The difference between the Novus Ordo and Latin Mass

I know that some of our non-Catholic readers [and some Catholic readers too. Ed.] are wondering why traditional Catholics are so upset by Pope Bergoglio's recent attempt to suppress the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM), the Mass of All Time. See "Catholics outraged: 'Pope Francis' nukes Traditional Latin Mass", WWW 17/7/21. 

One of my own friends, a well-meaning and religious person (but not Catholic) said to me, "It's all the same isn't it? Aren't you just clining to something which doesn't have any meaning in the 21st century?" Well no, I answered, the Novus Ordo (literally: new order) mass is not the same as the Mass of All Time.

There are those who argue that the "New Mass" -- one of the poisoned fruits of the Second Vatican Council -- is not a Catholic Mass at all! I won't go that far, but will say that there are much greater differences than the use of the vulgar language (literally: language of the people) instead of the Latin adopted by the Universal Church in the 5th Century A.D.

There are 1000s of articles and videos explaining the differences between the Novus Ordo and the Traditional Latin Mass, 100s of them written in the last two weeks in response to Francis' tirade. But it's been difficult to find something which outlines, clearly and concisely, why the differences matter to the faith.

The best we've seen so far is this short video from John-Henry Westen, editor of LifeSite News. Mr Westen points out that the changes that the Novus Ordo brought to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass shortly after Vatican II, have led to the "greatest abandonment of the faith in human history." We urge you -- Catholic or not -- to listen carefully and understand our dismay and anger.


If you understand and sympathize, we urge you to click here to read "LifeSite launches petition imploring Pope Francis to withdraw decree restricting Traditional Latin Mass". Then, please sign the petition! May God bless you and Our Lady guide you. 

Two more videos worth watching for added insight:
"The most radical thing Pope Francis has ever done...". Dr Taylor Marshall explains, line by line, what's wrong with Francis' latest statement.
"Why Does Francis Hate the Latin Mass?" Michael Matt, editor the Remnant newspaper, reveals the reasons why the Pope is treating traditional Catholics like lepers.

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