Monday, July 5, 2021

VIDEO: Father Edward Meeks talks about the plague of "wokeness"

In addition to being the Glorious Fourth of July, yesterday was a Sunday. Hope some of you went to church before enjoying the July 4th cookout promised by Sleepy Joe. The promise that 70% of American would be vaccinated against the kung flu by July 4th didn't quite eventuate -- actual number 63% -- but never mind, there are other plagues to think about.

In yesterday's homily, Father Edward Meeks, a Catholic priest of the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, and the founding pastor of Christ the King Church in Towson MD, talked about one of those "other plagues" now sweeping the Excited States of America -- that of political correctness, or not giving offence, in an age when so many seem so easily offended.


Lesson 1: If you're a Christian and offended by the "wokeness" of today's America, don't be afraid to stand up and say so. The godlessness of the popular cultural is real. As Fr Meeks says, those infected by it need to "wake up from their wokeness" before it's too late -- for them and for the country. It's up to us to issue the wakeup call! 

Lesson 2: Even more important, acknowledging that we who believe in the Lord are a small and too-often-silent minority in a world of unbelievers, a world hell-bent (word chosen carefully) on self-destruction, we must keep our Faith, for the sake of own souls, lest we follow the majority to eterenal damnation.

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