Tuesday, July 27, 2021

UPDATED: If Canadians are Islamophobic, perhaps there's a reason

The Canadian mania for self-flagellation ["Is that a sin, Father?" Ed.] continued last week with back-to-back conferences on anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, which, as everyone knows, are hard-wired into all "old stock" (read: white Christian) Canucks.

Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, MVS (Master of Virtue Signalling) told a "national summit on Islamophobia" on Friday that "government agencies need to do more to help end the problem." Canadians [as well as Americans! Ed.] cringe when they hear words like that. "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you," is one of the Three Greatest Lies in the English language.

What does Blackie McBlackface have in mind? This, for starters. Now that the Americans are admitting defeat and getting out of Afghanistan, there are 1000s of Afghans who collaborated with them (and the Canucks, who hauled down their maple leaf flag years ago) clamouring for asylum before the Taliban can behead them.

On Friday, M Trudeau announced that those Quislings and their families will be "welcomed" to Canada as refugees. Who will do the welcoming is unclear, as are specifics of the plan, but (Just in sez) his minions are on the ground in Afghanistan, working to identify those eligible for a new "path to protection." 

The Canadian public seems not to share their leader's sentiments. Comments in the Groan & Wail were unavailable due to "technical difficulties" within an hour of the story being posted.

In his opening remarks at the snorefest, Mr Socks called on the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and federal security agencies to stop practices that "target" Muslims. He repeated the "diversity is our strength" mantra, calling on weary Canucks to fight for a Canada "where we celebrate diversity, where we stand together." 

How the CRA and federal security agencies will "help" is as unclear as anything else M Trudeau says, but Agent 3 warns that if anyone dares to write, say or even think anything even vaguely anti-Muslim, they can expect visits from the tax guys and/or the Mounties. M-106 is still in effect!

When he spoke of "security agencies",  the Canuck PM somehow failed to mention the Toronto Police Service, one of whose members -- Constable Jeffrey Northrup -- was laid to rest just a few days earlier, having been killed by a vehicle in the city hall parking garage while trying to apprehend Umar Zameer, who now faces a charge of first-degree murder. PC Northrup's bosses have declined to released any information on Mr Zameer's nationality, ethnicity, religion or immigration status. M-106.

Yesterday saw the opening of an inquest into another "interaction" between police and a follower of the Prophet, although this time it was the civilian who got killed. Ali Zaraeeneh was shot by a York Regional Police sniper on 13 December 2017, inside a bank in the city of Vaughan, just north of Toronto. He was armed with a gun and claimed to be wearing an explosive "suicide vest". Negotiators were called to the scene to reason with the "emotionally disturbed" man, but police were ultimately forced to "use lethal force in order to gain control of the suspect."

Three years ago last week, another "emotionally disturbed" "new Canadian" shot and killed himself in Toronto's Greektown, after first shooting and killing 10-year-old Juliana Kozis and 18-year-old Reese Fallon, and wounding 13 other people. Faisal Hussain opened fire on people sitting on restaurant patios and walking along Danforth Avenue, for no apparent reason. 

The so-called Greater Toronto Area is the destination of choice for 1000s of immigrants, "refugees" and asylum-seekers fleeing the Muslim civil wars in the Middle East. There's no news from there this morning, but in Montréal -- preferred by Muslims from North Africa -- police have just cancelled an Amber Alert for 16-year-old Zahraa Jaafar, after she was found alive. She had reportedly been abducted by her brother, Mohammad Jaafar, 22, in what was undoubtedly an affair having to do with the family's honour.

Of course not all the "refugees", asylum-seekers and other Muslim immigrants are like that. Some of the followers of the "Religion of Peace" (TM) are actually peaceful people who work as Uber drivers or run shawarma shops or halal butcheries. But with a federal election almost certain to be called for the fall, and immigration being a top-of-the-mind issue for Canuck voters (so much so that pollsters won't even ask about it -- M-106), M Trudeau will probably not show up for a photo-op with the next planeload.

UPDATE ADDED 29/7/21:  Toronto Police are looking for the public's help in find someone who our old friend Mark Steyn would call "yet another Mohammed". Mohammed Maboob is a suspect in an investigation into two instances of sexual assault that took place over the course of this summer. 

It is alleged that on June 9th, a 49-year-old woman was sexually assaulted in the Firvalley Court and Warden Avenue area. In a second incident, police say a 27-year-old woman was sexually assaulted in the Victoria Park and Danforth avenues area. 

Mr Maboob, age 55 [Really? 55?! Ed.] is wanted for two counts of sexual assault and one count of fail to comply with a release order. (That means he was already out on bail.) Police have said nothing about his ethnicity, religion or immigration status.

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