Friday, July 2, 2021

Fancy that! Minneapolis ordered to hire more cops

Ready for an I-told-ya-so story? In the wake of the death of Saint George Floyd (convicted felon and druggie) and the ensuing conviction of Derek Chavin and three other Minneapolis police officers, more than 200 other cops quit, retired, or took extended leave from the Minneapolis police department.

That wasn't enough for the BLM and SJWs, who demanded that the city cut – and even completely dismantle – its police department. Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey (Democrat) refused to cancel the copos entirely, but did OK a shift of about $8 million in funding to "violence prevention and mental health crisis response teams." He also proposed a further budget cut of $17 million for 2021.

Well, guess what? As of this past May, homicides in Minneapolis had doubled over the same time frame in 2020. Gun thefts from vehicles had risen by more than 100%, while illegal gun seizures had dropped. Surprise, surprise!  Residents from some minority communities [Hey, don't be afraid to call a spade a spade! Ed.] even began showing up at city council meetings demanding to know why police officers weren't responding to calls and helping stop the violent criminals rampaging through their neighbourhoods. 

All this was too much for eight denizens of the City of Lakes, who sued the city for not retaining enough officers on their payroll to meet local requirements. (According to a local ordinance, the city must employ at least 0.0017 sworn officers for every 1000 city residents.)

Hennepin County District Judge Jamie L. Anderson agreed, and ordered the city to employ at least 730 police officers by the end of next June. That number could be increased further, if the results of the 2020 census show an increase in the population of the metropolitan area.

Does anyone not see the irony in this? Newton's Third Law applies to more than physics! Told ya so!

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