Thursday, July 29, 2021

Look out! Global COOLING is coming!

The late unlamented Climate Barbie, the no-longer-relevant Mark Carney, Saint Greta Thunberg and Al Gore [who he? Ed.] have been telling us for years now that the world is in imminent danger of burning to a crisp, if not today, then tomorrow. 

They say that "global warming" is all the fault of us "peoplekind". If we'd only buy Teslas and use solar/wind power to heating/cool our houses and workspaces, ecological disaster could be averted (they say), if only for a little while. And we have to kill all our cattle, too, because their farts are a major part of the greenhouse gases which are trapping heat and setting off wildfires yada yada yada. 

Où sont les neiges d'antan? I don't entirely dismiss the notion of climate change. I haven't suffered through many winters yet like that of 1963, shown in the picture. Of course I live farther south now. But my car and I are smaller now, so even if there's less snow, the effect is still the same. 

For me, there's little difference between winters then and winters now. If the world warms up and there's less snow, that will be fine with me. But it might get colder again. Global warming and global cooling has been the cycle of nature ever since God created this planet Earth.

My corner of the forest was once covered in ice. Before that, it was under a vast inland sea. And before the sea, or maybe after (who knows?) there were tropical forests in which roamed prehistoric reptiles and mammals, just like in Jurassic Park.

I don't believe there's going to be any spectacular, catastropic climate change any time soon... if ever! Wildfires may be ranging in the west, but just yesterday I heard on the rangdidio that, here, this July is the coolest in ten years. [The wettest too! Ed.] So depending on where you live, in all kind of evens out. "Global warming" (or cooling) is a sweeping overgeneralization.

Who knows? The weather might well take a turn for the colder. We might once again see a return to "real old-fashioned winter", like that shown in this snap which I took in 1978. 

That's not just my opinion, but that of climate scientist Dr. Willie Soon. According to Breitbart News, Dr Soon thinks we should pay closer attention to the sun's activity, which suggests several decades of global cooling rather than warming. 

Dr Soon, a Malaysian astrophysicist and aerospace engineer, told Alex Newman of the New American, that "what we predict is that the next 20-30 years will be cold. It will be cold, so it will be a very interesting thing for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change] to confront.

"The sun is in a 'weakened state'," says the good doctor "and far less active than during the 1980s and 1990s." This weakened state, he said, should last "until around 2050. The whole climate system is powered 99.1 percent by the sun’s energy."

Therefore, Dr Soon concludes, global cooling is a far greater source of concern than global warming. "We will have a lot more problems were the planet to cool rather than warm." Humanity [not "peoplekind"? Ed.] can solve a lot of problems including overheating, but the problems of a "little ice age" like that of the 1700s are much harder to solve," he said. "If you want to face a serious problem, worry about an ice age; never worry about global warming!"

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