Saturday, July 17, 2021

Catholics outraged: "Pope Francis" nukes Traditional Latin Mass

In order to bring about the "Great Reset" and achieve the New World Order, (((George Soros))) et al. must first destroy the one institution which stands in their way. I don't mean the Disunited Nations. The globalist liberal elites and Communists have had the UN in their pockets for decades. I refer to the Roman Catholic Church, which at one time was the guardian and protector of the Western (read: Christian) civilization without which the entire world would be like... ohhh, let's say Afghanistan.  

Try as they might (and are!), the Jews, Muslims and heathens cannot destroy Holy Mother Church by themselves. The One-Worlders need and are getting the active co-operation of the enemies of the One True Faith who lurk and work like termites within the Church. None of these is more powerful or more dangerous than Jorge Bergoglio, the man who calls himself "Pope Francis".

More and more traditional Catholics are beginning to think that Francis is the Antichrist, the evil one prophesied in the Bible, who opposes Our Lord Jesus Christ and seeks to substitute himself in His place before the Second Coming. 

We mere mortals our not to judge Pope Bergoglio, for we cannot know his intentions for sure. But if we go by his actions, we are not wrong to infer that he means to emasculate and eviscerate the forms and structures of the traditional Catholic Church, and in particular the Lex orandi, lex credendi -- "the law of what is prayed [is] the law of what is believed" -- which expresses the relationship between worship and belief.

Expanded to Lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi -- "the law of what is prayed [is] what is believed [is] the law of what is lived" -- the traditional Christian motto means that prayer and belief are integral to each other and that liturgy is not distinct from theology.

This ancient Christian principle provided a measure for developing the Creed, the Canon of scripture, and other doctrinal matters. It is based on the prayer texts of the Church, that is, the Church's liturgy. In the Early Church, there was liturgical tradition before there was a common creed, and before there was an officially sanctioned Biblical canon. So the liturgical traditions provided the theological framework for establishing the Creeds and Canon.  

Six decades ago, the Second Vatican Council and Pope Paul VI began the task of dismantling this theological framework by instituting the Novus Ordo, a "New Mass", not in Latin but in the 1000s of "languages of the people", with a generous admixture of Protestant and even Jewish forms of prayer. 

Today, in many modern Catholic churches, there is virtually nothing left of the old ways of worship. No Latin. No bells. No incense. A "resurrex" in place of the crucifix. A handful of people in a circle around the priest mumbling prayers which belong only to the priest, and singing "Kumbaya".

For traditional Catholics (like your obdt servant) attending a Novus Ordo "Mess" is painful in the extreme. Some of us believe that if we can't find a Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) to attend, we're better off -- our souls are better off -- staying and praying at home.

Thanks be to God, many of us could still find a traditional Mass within driving distance, perhaps at a chapel of the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) or in a parish where an old-fashioned priest might at least pray in Latin, albeit following the modern form. But no more!

Yesterday, on the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (!), Francis moved to stamp out the Traditional Latin Mass, once and for all. He issued a Motu Proprio -- kind of like an Executive Order in the American governmental system --which virtually bans the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass in ordinary parish churches throughout the world. 

In Traditionis Custodes, Francis completely reverses the course set by Pope Benedict XVI, just fourteen years ago, in Summorum Pontificum, which specified the circumstances in which priests of the Latin Church could celebrate Mass according to the 1962 edition of the Roman Missal, in the form known as the Tridentine Mass or Traditional Latin Mass, and administer most of the sacraments in the form used before the liturgical reforms that followed Vatican II.

Effective immediately, priests may celebrate the traditional Mass only under special circumstances, and with explicit permission from the bishops of their dioceses, who are not bound to give such permission, even though they may have done so in the past. Can you imagine..."Please, your Eminence, can I keep saying the Latin Mass?" Cardinal Cupich: "No!"

I am running out of space. Later this weekend I'll explain exactly how the Motu Proprio works to suppress the Mass of All Time, beloved of faithful Catholics for at least 1500 years. Explaining why Pope Bergoglio did this is harder. My take is that Francis, under increasing pressure from the puppet-masters to fold the Church into a new pantheistic religion, feared that he would die -- he knew when he wrote this that he would soon be undergoing major surgery -- before he could accomplish the mission.  

Traditionis Custodes may therefore be (let us pray!) the last act of a desperate man. Will he succeed in taking away our Mass, which is central to what we believe and how we live? God has promised that He will protect and preserve His Church, and for that let us pray, devoutly and urgently:

Saint Michael the Archiangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Worth watching: "Francis Suppresses the Latin Mass | A Conversation with Brian McCall and Chris Ferrara" - video from the Fatima Center, 17/7/21. Our old friend Chris Ferrara calls Traditiones Custodes (the title of Francis' Motu Proprio) "a joke".

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