Saturday, July 17, 2021

VIDEO: "The most radical thing Pope Francis has ever done..."

In a letter to the world's bishops accompanying the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, Pope Benedict XVI* wrote: What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful. (My emphasis.)

Yesterday, the man who calls himself "Pope Francis" said, in effect, "Wanna bet?!"

Following up my earlier post, "Catholics outraged: 'Pope Francis' nukes Traditional Latin Mass", here's a look at how the man who calls himself "Pope Francis" is trying to extinguish forever the Traditional Latin Mass in his latest Motu Proprio, Traditionis Custodes. In the video, Dr Taylor Marshall calls this "the most radical thing Pope Francis" has done in the eight years of his papacy."

Commentators like Dr Marshall and Dr Peter Kwasniewski (see link at end of this post) are shocked by the extremism and autocracy of the Pope Bergoglio's lateset attack on the traditions of the Church. Dr Kwasniewski says it "doesn't make sense unless you're an ideologue." Dr Marshall calls it simply "a punch in the gut". Here's what's going to happen....

Item: Pope Bergoglio has declared that the Novus Ordo (New Order) Mass of 1969 is the "unique" (read: only) liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. What Pope Benedict XVI* called the "extraordinary" rite is not recognized, except temporarily by exception. 

Item: Only the diocesan bishop has "exclusive" power to authorize the Latin Mass, and that only within the even narrower confines of whatever restrictions the Vatican -- Pope Bergoglio and those surrounding him (Hello, "Peter the Roman"!) -- feel like imposing on any given day. A bishop may say OK, but not unless Rome says OK!

Item: Existing Latin Mass "groups"-- that's the word used -- like the Institute of Christ the Kind and the Fraternity of Saint Peter must undergo a loyalty test to ensure that they accept fully the Novus Ordo Mass of 1969. And they cannot have any hesitation to accepting fully the heresies of Vatican II, out of which came the "New Mass."

Item: Latin Masses, if allowed, must be moved outside of regular parishes. Dr Kwasniewski says thosse who want to celebrate the TLM are being treated like lepers, shunted off to disused churches and meeting rooms where they can't "contaminate" ignorant "mainstream Catholics".

Item: Even though a traditional Mass may be ["must be"! Ed.] celebrated in Latin, the Epistle and Gospel must not be proclaimed in Latin, only in the vernacular. tongues. This was one of the goals of the Modernist liturgical movement in the 1950s and of the Protestants and Freemasons who helped draft the Novus Ordo Mass approved by Vactican II.

Item: There to be no "new groups" centred around the Latin Mass. Not even bishops can allow the formation of such a group. That's for the Vatican alone. One wonders what will become of the existing "groups", like those mentioned above and the Society of St Pius X, the latter not being recognized by the Vatican in the first place. Goodbye to any hope of reconciliation!

Item: Pope Bergoglio has taken "the firm decision to abrogate all the norms, instructions, permissions, and customs" that precede Traditionis Custodes. Previous "indults" for the TLM are abolished. So as of yesterday, the celebration of the Latin Mass is forbidden, pending new permissions granted by the bishops (which really means the Vatican -- see above).

In the accompanying letter of instruction to the world's bishops (which is longer than the document itself), Pope Bergoglio slams down his dictatorial hand even harder! This Motu Proprio, he says, was necessitated by the bishops' responses to a skewed 2020 questionnaire that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith sent out. He doesn't give any details of what the bishops said, but obviously it didn't conform to the Bergoglio's New Age/New World Order/ agenda.

He goes on to blame traditional Catholic priests and laymen for using the Latin Mass "to widen the gaps, reinforce the divergences, and encourage disagreements that injure the Church, block Her path, and expose Her to the peril of division." In other words, those who want the TLM are nothing more or less than a bunch of narrow-minded schismatics -- the same charge leveled against Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the SSPX. 

In effect, Francis has hit the reset button. He orders the Church to return to "a unitary form" of celebration. But he doesn't mean the united form of the Mass of All Time, the Roman Mass of Saints Peter and Paul, the Fathers and Popes of the Church, canonized by Pope St Pius V. He means the quasi-Protestant New Mass, the validity of which is questioned by more and more faithful Catholics, as more is learned about how the New Mass was inflicted on us by Popes Paul VI and John Paul II.

Does Pope Bergoglio really think he can get away with this? Does he think he can, with the stroke of a pen, obliterate the memory of and devotion to the Mass of All Time, which faithful Catholics have handed won for sixteen centuries? Does he think he can put the genie -- the demand for a return to the Traditional Latin Mass -- back in the bottle?

Popes can say and write what they like, but unless they declare their utterances to be dogma, to be matters of Faith, Catholics may follow their precepts... or not! I predict that Traditionis Custodes will be honoured as much in the breach as in the observance. And when Jorge Bergoglio has shuffled off this mortal coil, his successor may very well abrogate this latest diktat, just as Francis now purports to abrogate Summorum Pontificium. Please, God, let it be so. 

Enough from me. Here are the thoughts of Dr Taylor Marshall.


Further viewing: "Did Pope Francis Just Ban the Latin Mass? Reaction to 'Traditionis Custodes'" - Dr. Peter Kwasniewksi and Cameron O'Hearn discuss what this "ecclesiastical atom bomb", this "historical slap in the face", means for the future of the Traditional Latin Mass and the future of Holy Mother Church.

* Footnote: Pope Benedict XVI is still alive, as far as we know. Some believe that his purported resignation is invalid, and that the election of Jorge Bergoglio as Pope is therefore canonically illegal and invalid. In other words, Pope Francis is not the Pope! Others say that's right, because a real pope wouldn't, couldn't say and do the things that Francis says and does. QED. 

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