Monday, October 3, 2016

Canadians found not so crazy about multiculturalism after all

Canada's state-owned broadcaster, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (aka "Canadian Broadcorping Castration" -- look it up!) is so liberal, so politically correct, so Toronto-centric, so multiculti, that Canucks outside of Toronto have deserted its radio services in droves. Some believe that CBC's earnest programmes have better ratings when rebroadcast on PBR than they do at home.

Rumours of a "blacklash of the white flees" penetrated even the red walls of Fortress CBC in Toronto. In a rare fit of interest in what the Canadian public thinks, the limo liberals in the executive suites decided to commission a poll to find out what TROC really thinks about immigration, multiculturalism and "Canadian values and identity" -- this after pooh-poohing claims by Conservative leadership hopeful Kellie Leitch that these are issues which concern anyone other than a few rednecks in the wilds of Alberta.

Imagine the surprise and soiling of shorts in the CBC's John Street HQ when the poll conducted for them by the Angus Reid Institute confirmed that Canucks really do think differently from their "American cousins" when it comes to multiculturalism, immigration and values. But not in the way the CBC and its Liberal masters would like. Believe it or not, after half a century of having multiculturalism forced down their throats and up other orifices, Canadians are more likely than Americans to think minorities should assimilate. Here's the key finding.

To its credit, the CBC hasn't buried this story. It's the lead on the national radio news this morning and has a prominent position on the CBC News website, headlined "Canadians want minorities to do more to 'fit in'". Walt will let you read the complete poll results for yourself, but needs to draw attention to a pithy comment by Ujjal Dosangh, a Liberal former Premier of British Columbia and federal cabinet minister.

Mr Dosanjh has written and spoken extensively about the need to address concerns about equality, race and culture in the face of blind devotion to multiculturalism. He told the CBC that the poll shows Canada's political leadership needs to pay attention. "What you want is creative multiculturalism, generous multiculturalism," he said, "not unthinking or mindless multiculturalism where everything anybody brings to this country is acceptable."

"Diversity is great if we can begin to live with each other in equality, in understanding...but we also understand our collective obligations to building a better society. If we can't live together with each other properly and make concessions to each other, then this phrase that politicians use — that diversity is a strength — is nonsensical."

Further reading: "Multiculturalism: a failed experiment?", which I posted here six years (and a day) previously. Nice to see that others are starting to wake up and speak up!

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