Saturday, August 28, 2021

Anti-vax protesters force Canuck PM to flee campaign rally

Walt has received a report, confirmed by Agent 2, that the Rt. Hon. Blackie McBlackface, Prime Minister of Canuckistan, was forced by angry protesters to run away from a Liberal Party rally which was to be held yesterday afternoon in Bolton ON, a once-peaceful village northwest of Toronto. 

Mr Socks is campaigning for a third term in a federal election to be held on September 20th. The sign seems to suggest that Trudeaumania v. 2.0 has run its course.
The angry crowd appeared to be anti-vaxxers for the most part, incensed about the Liberal Plan to introduce "vaccine passports" from coast to coast to coast. If this goes ahead, the sheeple of Canada will have to produce an electronic or paper "passport" -- i.e. have their papers in order! -- to be able to go to the cinema or the gym or a sporting even, or... just about anywhere. Just another rod in the fasces of state control.

Sergeant Dudley Doright, head of the security detail protecting M Trudeau, said that when they realized there were more protesters in the crowd than Liberal supporters, they reckoned that it was time for the soon-to-be-former PM to get out of Dodge, "in the interest of public safety" of course, not because he was afraid of getting roughed up.

Mr Socks and his team fled to "an undisclosed location" in nearby Brampton ON, where he held a presser in which he vowed to "meet anger with compassion." He said he recognized that the pandemic has been hard on everyone, including those who protested at his event. "We all had a difficult year. Those folks out protesting, they had a difficult year too, and I know and I hear the anger, the frustration, perhaps the fear."

The only fear visible in videos of the presser was that of His Wokeness, who appeared to be shaken (not stirred) by the sight of people who actually oppose his plan to transform the former Great White North into a "post-national state" where critical race theory is put into practice and straight white people are put in their place. (We note that the Liberal candidate whose sign appears in the photo is, to judge by his name, a Sikh.)

Sadly, the transformation of Canada into Canuckistan, begun by Trudeau I, has almost been completed by Trudeau II, who expressed his astonishment that some Canadians don't like what's happening to their country and their freedoms. 

He said he has never seen this level of anger or intensity on a campaign trail, including his time as a kid when campaigning with his father. "I think this is something that Canadians, all of us, need to reflect on," he said, "because it's not who we are." Walt sez, "Oh yeah?"

Meanwhile south of the World's Longest Undefended Border (TM), the Department of Homeland Security has released a list of the top three security threats to Sleepy Joe's America. 

Seems Canadians and Americans aren't so different after all!

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