Sunday, August 15, 2021

VIDEO: Max Bernier: Non à l'implantation d’un passeport sanitaire! / Say No to the Vaccine Passport!

Seems hard to believe that it was just over two years ago that our good friend Poor Len Canayen was enthusing about the formation of the People' Party of Canada / le Parti Populaire du Canada, facing its first ever test in that fall's election. The party was new, and faced tremendous challenges, not the least being the studied silence -- shall we say ignorance -- of Canada's lickspittle media. 

The PPC did not fare well in the polls, failing to elect a single Member of Parliament. "Mad Max" just missed being re-elected in the Québec riding of Beauce. (He had been elected previously as a Conservative.) 

It would have been easy for M Bernier and his followers to give up, and some did. But Max stuck with it, putting out a regular newsletter, hosting "The Max Bernier Show" on YouTube, and posting regularly on Facebook and Twitter. Max also toured the country from coast to coast, speaking at rallies in defence of freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom from political correctness, and freedom from control by Trudeau's overweening leftist nanny state. 

The most successful demonstration to date was held just yesterday in Montréal. 1000s of freedom-loving Canadians turned out to protest the Québec (and now Canadian) governments' plans for "vaccination passports", which would relegate the unvaccinated to the status of second-class citizens, unable to go where they please in the no-longer-Great, no-longer-White North. Here's part of Max's speech.

Discours du chef du Parti populaire du Canada, Maxime Bernier, dans le cadre de la manifestation contre l'implantation d’un passeport sanitaire tenue à Montréal le 14 août 2021.


Speech by the leader of the People's Party of Canada, Maxime Bernier, at the protest march against the implementation of a vaccine passport held in Montreal on 14 August 2021. 

Good stuff, EH! Whether or not you've had your shots (as we at WWW have, by the way), you should support the right of all people to decide for themselves whether to do so, not be forced into it by an authoritarian state bent on controlling every aspect of our lives. If you agree and would like to donate to Max and the PPC's campaign for election in September, click here. And tell Max that Walt sent ya!

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