Saturday, August 28, 2021

"Mostly peaceful protests" OK for Antifa & loony left, not conservatives

The CBC (Canadian Broadcorping Castration - the propaganda arm of Canada's Liberal government) has got itself all worked up over Friday's confrontation between Liberal leader Blackie McBlackface and a group of Canadians angry about forced vaccination against the kung flu and its more virulent Delta (read: made-in-India) variant. 

There were plenty of other things for them to be angry about, but "to be or not to be vaccinated" was the wedge issue Just In Trudeau was looking for, and he got it. In spades! 

The protest was more "mostly peaceful" than similar demonstrations by Antifa, BLM and the loony left seen in the Excited States of America.  A common obscenity was displayed on a banner and shouted numerous times. The Salmon Arm Salute (having the same meaning as the printed obscenity) was seen. But no punches (or objects) were thrown. No-one was physically assaulted or interfered with. "No harm, no foul!"

The CBC and its masters would have Canadians believe that this sort of thing is simply unacceptable, just "not who we are", as Mr Socks put it. That's just bullshit. The behaviour exhibited yesterday is perfectly fine with the liberal politicians and lickspittle media, if the "mostly peaceful protesters" are on the side of progress and wokeness!

Case in point: Antifa and other comsymp "protesters" roughing up elderly women and men at the rally for Max Bernier held by the People's Party of Canada at Mohawk College in Hamilton ON on 30 September 2019. 

The rally went ahead anyway -- "Mad Max" is no coward! -- but not one of the thugs clearly identifiable in the video was ever brought to trial, let alone convicted of anything. And now the CBC, which deplores the much milder behaviour of the protesters at Bolton, refuses to allow any mention of the "Hamilton incident" in the comments section of its hand-wringing, pearl-clutching story. 

Canadian readers take note, and remember all this on September 20th!

Footnote: Hey, this story even made it onto Fox News., which normally doesn't pay much attention to events in the No-longer-great No-longer-white North. See "Furious crowd forces Justin Trudeau to cancel campaign event: 'Need freedom'".

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