Thursday, March 17, 2022

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson: Is it "treasonous" to not want to go to war?

So far this week, we've been looking at the brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine through the lens of the Message of Fatima -- the request of God through the Blesssed Virgin Mary that Russia be consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart, by which means the annihilation of nations (not just Ukraine) will be averted and a period of peace given to us.

We therefore hope and pray (a novena starts today!) that Pope Francis will perform the Act of Consescration, in union with all the bishops, in the manner that Our Lady requested. But the news that Francis will at last attempt the Consecration has been largely ignored by the lamestream media, not to mention politicians like Crazy Joe Biden, Crazy Nancy Pelosi and Blackie McBlackface, Prime Minister of Canuckistan. 

Like the majority of Americans and Canadians, these liberals who call themselves "Catholics" while advocating for abortion "rights" and other evils, either know nothing about Fatima or do not believe in the Fatima Message. 

So today let's look at the invasion of Ukraine from a purely secular point of view. Let's hear the arguments of people like Tucker Carlson, that starting a potentially nuclear World War III over the status of Ukraine would be foolish in the extreme, and a dissservice not just to the Ukrainian people but to all the nations of the West.

In his latest talk from the Remnant Underground, Michael Matt wondered aloud how much longer Fox News will be able to keep Tucker Carlson on the air, given that he (Carlson) refuses to jump on the let's-nuke-the-Russkis war wagon. 

Mr Carlson is being pilloried by such warhawks as Lindsey Graham and the inevitable Mitt Romney for daring to suggest that the Russian invasion of the Ukraine is totally black-and-white -- Ukraine good, Russia bad -- so if Putin wants war, let's have at it.

They call Mr Carlson, and others like Michael Matt and Dr Ron Paul, unpatriotic, even "treasonous", for urging the powers that be to take a step back and consider whether it's really a smart move to involve the USA (and the lesser NATO countries) in another pointless and unwinnable war. Listen carefully to Mr Carlson's comments, posted on March 14th, in which he gives his take on Ukrainian President Zelenskiy's latest suggestion for finding a way out.


Further reading: "Is Tulsi Gabbard a traitor?", by Daniel McAdams, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, 15/3/22. 

Tucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard, and Michael Matt are not traitors or "Russian assets" as the harpies of The View would have it. Neither is Dr Ron Paul, who wrote in "It All Comes Back to NATO", (1/3/22) "When the Bush Administration announced in 2008 that Ukraine and Georgia would be eligible for NATO membership, I knew it was a terrible idea. Nearly two decades after the end of both the Warsaw Pact and the Cold War, expanding NATO made no sense. NATO itself made no sense."

Dr Paul goes on to say that NATO should be disbanded because it's no longer necessary or relevant to the geopolitics of the 2020s. Russia's invasion of Ukraine proves him right. To go to war for Ukraine's right to join a military alliance which (as President Trump pointed out) is dysfunctional and irrelevant  is just plain wrong. President Zelenskiy's suggestion that his country could perhaps remain neutral is not crazy at all.

More further reading: "The Press Has Lied To Drag The United States Into War Before. Don’t Think They Won’t Again" by Elle Reynolds, The Federalist, 17/3/22.

The writer recycles the story about William Randolph Hearst. In 1897, months before the Maine exploded in Havana harbour, the newspaper tycoon had commissioned reporter Frederic Remington to go to Cuba, where Cuban revolutionaries were skirmishing with their Spanish colonizers. When Remington sent Hearst a wire to explain he was leaving Cuba because there was no war to cover, Hearst reportedly replied, "You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war!"

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