Friday, March 11, 2022

"Don't buy Canadian!" Brandon likes oil from Iran, Venezuela better

Sleepy Joe Brandon had a rare moment of lucidity this week, when he seemed to acknowledge that the Excited States of America is not self-sufficient in oil any more. Running on fumes, it is! 

That nasty non-renewable gasoline is up to $5-7 at the pumps, and trending upward. Bad news for American motorists, including Freedom Truckers. And not just for them, but for anyone who wishes to travel anywhere by road, rail or air. 

Of course there are alternatives, like this. 

Yep, just throw another log (or bag of wood chips) into the old gas generator there, and you're good to go. If you think you can't burn gas from wood. let me ask: have you had your fireplace chimney cleaned out lately? But you're gonna need a helluva lot of wood, and the rig isn't very aerodynamic, probably kinda slow.

So what else? How about EVs? You can run cars, trucks, buses and trains on electricity, right? Not airplanes though. The cost of the extension cord would be a killer. But where does the electricity [That's "hydro", for our readers in Canuckstan. Ed.] come from? Well, you have these big power plants than run on, errr... 

Let's be practical then. America needs more oil! So if we can't produce enough in the US of A, we'll have to buy some from other countries. Like Russia, from which the US of A imported 709,000 barrels of crude and petroleum products per day, last year.

Errr, can't do that now. Even the ultra-woke Canadians stopped doing that, in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. On Tuesday, the Biden-Harris maladministration followed Canada' lead and banned petroleum imports from Russia. Now Sleepy Joe is forced to go, cap in hand, to other "friendly" countries who have oil for sale. Like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.

The oiligarchs [Very clever! Ed.] of the Muddle East have the capacity to ramp up production, but Brandon trash-talked them during the 2020 fake election campaign. He referred to Saudi Arabia as a "pariah" state and said that its government has "very little social redeeming value." True enough, but not reason enough to stop buying their oil, eh, Joe?

But there's a bigger bump in the road. The Saudis and Emiratis have their keffiyehs in a twist over Crazy Joe's lack of support for their own brutal interventions in Yemen, where the two countries are fighting a proxy war against Iran. 

There's also the little matter of Brandon's push to restart the Iran nuclear agreement. As a result, the Wall Street Journal reported this week that the leaders of both countries have ghosted Brandon and are refusing to take his calls. The unintended consequence could well be  the lifting of American sanctions on Iran, which has tens of millions of barrels of oil sitting in tankers for immediate delivery. And there's even more where that came from! Cheap!

Of course buying from the mad mullahs would be supporting the world's exporter of Islamic terrorism, a theocracy which has threated to wipe the "Zionist entity" (Israel) off the map, and needs only that the Paranoid States of America look the other way while it develops the nuclear weapons so to do.

Lucky for Brandon that there's another source, closer to home. Last weekend he sent a delegation to Caracas to discuss easing the American sanctions on Venezuelan oil, which were the proximate cause of America's increasing dependence on Russian oil. Talk about things not quite working out!

Meanwhile, Sleepy Joe still points with pride at his Day One decision to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, approved by President Trump, which would have allowed the importation of millions of barrels per day of Canadian crude oil, direct to American refineries. It's cheap, too. Just turn on the tap. 

But nooo... buying oil from Canuckistan wouldn't play well with Democratic eco-wienies like Michigan's Democratic governor Karen Whitmer [Isn't that "Gretchen"? Ed.]. She has her own anti-oil campaign going against Enbridge's Line 5, which supplies 65% of propane demand in the Upper Peninsula, and 55% of Michigan's statewide propane needs. Her effort to close it down is now before the courts. Guess whose side Brandon is on.

The liberal governments of both the USA and Canada have scared away investors by consistently blocking proposed pipelines and LNG export terminals, which could now be supplying America with all the oil and gas it needs.

If the wokesters and eco-wienies in Washington and Ottawa simply got out of the way and allowed decisions over pipelines and other infrastructure projects to be made by private businesses and landowners, the oil and gas would be flowing to where it's needed as we speak. And you'd be able to fill up your gas tank for two bucks a gallon... or less. Think about that while you walk to work!

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