Friday, March 25, 2022

VIDEO: Europeans see through Justin Trudeau

A couple of days ago, the Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, by the Grace of Singh, Prime Minister of All Canuckistan, descended from the heavens [from an aging RCAF B767 actually. Ed.] to cast before the European parliament a few pearls anent the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In a particularly fulsome pastiche of pusillanimous platitudes, Mr Socks called on the Euroweenies to stand together, stay strong, and fight valiantly to preserve liberal democracy... just as he had done the previous month when he bravely stood up to the truckers and other harborers of "unacceptable views" who besieged the world's second-coldest capital in the Freedom Convoy.

The European Union Parliament comprises 705 elected members (MEPs) from the 27 EU member states. About 1/10th of them were on hand to hear M Trudeau congratulate himself. When he finished, a number of MEPs gave him what the Brits call a bollocking for violating the truckers' civil rights -- particularly freedom of speech -- when his Liberal government invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in history.

The gist of their remarks is that, in giving police and other authorities extraordinary powers to disrupt the  peoples' protest, Prime Minister McBlackface behaved like a dictator. Here are some choice clips.


The CBC, Canada's state-owned broadcaster, had to report the story, since some of those video clips went viral in seconds, but they made sure to bury it "below the fold", as we say in the noozbiz. And they were careful to label the MEPs who dared to vilify Himself as far-right extremists, populists, and other pejoratives up to and including "neo-Nazi".

Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić described the Canuck PM as someone who "tramples" on fundamental human rights and freedoms. Canada once stood for civil rights, he said, but now seems more like a "dictatorship of the worst kind."

"Under your quasi-liberal boot in recent months," he went on, "we watched how you trample women with horses, how you block the bank accounts of single parents so that they can't even pay their children's education and medicine, that they can't pay utilities, mortgages for their homes." 

The CBC devoted more space to demonizing Mr Kolakušić than to his speech. "He has aligned himself with anti-vaccine voices inside and outside of the assembly," said the propagandists. And can you imagine, "Kolakušić had accused French President Emmanuel Macron of 'murdering citizens' though vaccine mandates and...claimed 'tens of thousands of' Europeans had died from vaccine side effects during the pandemic." As if we should believe such claims are ridiculous!

German MEP Christine Anderson, speaking for the Identity and Democracy parliamentary group (see below) through her party Alternativ für Deutschland (AfD), accused M Trudeau of civil rights violations during the Freedom Convoy protest, saying, "you are a disgrace for any democracy!" 

She minced no words, calling Mr Socks a dictator who treats citizens as "terrorists." Another AfD MEP, Bernhard Zimniok, accused Trudeau of "trampling on democratic rights" by cracking down on people for protesting "disproportionate" public health measures.  

The CBC's "report" says Alternativ für Deutschland has been "described by the BBC as a far-right political party that employs rhetoric 'tinged with Nazi overtones'." Aha, there's the "neo-Nazi" smear, but it the BBC that said it, so it must be true! 

But the CBC can't resist adding a bit more salt: "A German court ruled recently that the party is 'a suspected threat to democracy' after an administrative court in Cologne found that there are 'sufficient indications of anti-constitutional goals within the AfD.'" Sounds like M Trudeau's claim that the Freedom Convoy supporters were intent on overthrowing his government, doesn't it?

The CBC then makes sure we know what kind of evil populists the members of the ID (Identity and Democracy) group are. "With 63 members from 10 countries, it is the fifth-largest group in the assembly. Identity and Democracy is made up of domestic political parties opposed to the EU. They hold far-right positions on issues like immigration, EU membership and social welfare."

Convinced now? If not, just wait, there's more liberal labelling! "The ID group includes France's Rassemblement National party, which was founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen." How about that?!

I confess that until today I hadn't heard of the ID group. It seems there are more truly conservative, truly populist politicians in the European parliament than in that of Canada, or the American Congress. But just wait. The tide is turning. Mr Socks knows it. So does President Brandon. Stay tuned!

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