Sunday, March 13, 2022

VIDEO: President Trump's speech to March 12th rally - FULL

Before you watch the video, let me give you the typical lickspittle media spin on whatever President Trump says. Yesterday, Yaho00 picked this up from CBS News and WAPO. The emphasis is mine. 

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday floated a horrifying scenario during a speech to some 250 elite Republican donors: He said the U.S. could bomb Russia with jets disguised with Chinese flags, then sit back and watch those nations go to war. 

Specifically, Trump said the U.S. could “put the Chinese flag” on F-22 fighter jets and use them to "bomb the shit out of Russia," according to a recording of his speech that was obtained by The Washington Post. "And then we say, China did it, we didn't do it, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch," Trump said. 

The audience laughed at the comment, which seemingly was made in jest, a source told CBS News

Did you catch that play? Even when they think the Donald might be joking, they are so shit-scared that he's serious that they report it as a shock-and-horror story! Either that or they are deliberately trying to fool gullible people into thinking that a vote for Trump is a vote for war. Makes me want to vomit!

Anyway, here's the complete video (just over an hour) of President Donald Trump's speech to another hyuge America First Republican rally in Florence SC, yesterday, March 12th.

I hope you noticed that, at about the 12:30 mark, President Trump did say something about the lamestream line that his personality would get America into a war. Russia (he said) didn't attack anybody while he was president, because of his personality, because they knew America was strong again. 

Now, under the leadership of an Alzheimer's patient and a whore (see Walt's previous post), here we are, waiting for the balloon to go up.

America is now just months away from the 2022 mid-term elections. Circle the date on your calendar, and vote to Make America Great Again!

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