Friday, March 18, 2022

Dealing with a real crisis? House Dems pass CROWN Act

America today confronts a number of extremely serious crises: Russia's invasion of Ukraine, record inflation, and mass immigration of "undocumented persons", to name just three. Citizens should be thankful and joyful, then, that the Democratic members of the House of Representative, led by Crazy Nancy Pelosi,  today voted to pass H.R. 2116, the Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act of 2021 (CROWN) Act of 2021.

What's that all about? What does it do? The legislation (if it makes it through the Senate) would prohibit alleged discrimination on a person's hair texture or hairstyle that is commonly associated with a particular race or national origin. Wut? They talkin' black hair, bro -- like the fox in the picsha.

The Dove company -- makers of soap, shampoo, deodorants, and other skin and hair care products -- claimed in their 2019 CROWN Research Study that a black woman is 80% more likely to change her natural hair to meet social norms or expectations at work. And black women are 1.5 times more likely to be sent home (or know of a black woman who was sent home) from the workplace because of her hair.

Obviously (the Dove people said) something had to be done. Never mind that federal law already prohibits disparate treatment of one individual compared to another based on race, colour, or national origin, which includes grooming and appearance policies if applied in a discriminatory manner.

The CROWN Act, House Republicans argued, is therefore unnecessary and duplicative. House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan (R-OH) said on the House floor ahead of the vote that Americans already cannot be discriminated against because of their hairstyles, and that Congress should focus on pressing issues such as inflation, Russia, and rising gas prices.

Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) said the CROWN Act may prevent employers from regulating hairstyles for safety purposes. Walt wonders what could be "unsafe" about the hairstyle pictured, unless the wearer worked with machinery in which her `fro could get entangled. Or around open flames, like in a BBQ restaurant kitchen.

Mr Bishop said America truly needs a bill to "unleash American energy independence." He also emphasized that in 2020, homicides rose by 30 percent or more, with black on black killings being the most common. Nevertheless, the legislation, which had failed under suspension of the rules on February 28th, passed by a vote of 235-189. Your Congress at work! 

Footnote: Walt wonders if the Dove company considered the law of unintended consequences. If black women can no longer be required by employers to keep their hair clean and tidy... if hairstyles life Afros and Rasta braids are allowed... what will that do the sales of Dove products? Just askin'....
Democrats prevailed,  

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