Saturday, August 15, 2020

Book review: Calling out leading liberal hypocrites

Because of the Dempanic, the Fort Mudge Library has been closed for months, so I'm reduced to reading books I bought at various garage and rummage sales but never got around to. One such is Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy, by Peter Schweizer (Doubleday 2005). Although it won the Book With the Longest Title award for 2005, it's actually a fairly slim (219 pp plus notes) volume, a quick and not-too-heavy read for a hot summer day.

One might think, from the title, that Do As I Say (Etc) is going to be a hatchet job, but it's not. The author barely mentions Michael Moore's obesity and scruffiness, Bill Clinton's little tryst with an intern or Ted Kennedy's misadventure at Chappaquiddick. Nor does he dwell on the (((Jewishness))) of six of the eleven leading liberals profiled.

Instead, he presents carefully researched facts and figures detailing the record of Mr Moore, Mrs Bill Clinton, the late Senator Kennedy, and the others (Noam Chomsky, Al Franken, Ralph Nader, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, Barbra Streisand, Gloria Steinem and Cornel West) on ethical investment, affirmative action and protecting the environment. In the Conclusion, Mr Schweizer sums up his findings thus.

How can we explain the fact that so many prominent individuals who are so passionate about their beliefs don't act accordingly? That seems to be the great paradox of liberalism as practiced by those we have profiled.... In short, they seem more interested in compelling others to embrace their vision of social change than in acting on that vision themselves....

Experience has taught these individuals that their ideas just don't work.... They really don't respect their own ideas and have privately concluded that...liberalism as practiced today does not offer them a road map to happiness.

Soak the rich, but don't soak me. Protect the environment, but let me drive my Hummer and water my lawn. Workers of the world, unite! But running a business with a union shop is just too complicated and difficult. Hire more blacks to fight racism, but let me hire my own people based on ability, not race....

The simple fact is that those in the vanguard of the liberal-left have found their own ideas to be ultimately self-defeating, self-destructive, and unworkable.

The (somewhat) good news for those of us who don't want to do what the liberal elites say is that the peasants are finally seeing at least some of the leading liberal hypocrites for what they are. The Hero of Chappaquiddick is dead. Al Franken is politically dead, killed by #MeToo. Having backed Bernie Sanders in 2016 and 2020, Cornel West finds himself outside the inner circles of the Dumbocratic Party.

Michael Moore signed his own death warrant by revealing the truth about alternative energy. And Hellery Clinton is politically dead too, although she refuses to lie down. But there is still (((George Soros))), now more than ever.

Mr Soros is more dangerous than the others who (mostly) just talk. He puts up real money -- scads of it -- to put the talkers he favours into places where they can take action to bring to pass the New World Order. When Slow Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi talk, what you're really hearing is the voice of Soros, the Master Ventriloquist. Don't be fooled!

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