Monday, August 3, 2020

Reposting a rant you're not going to like, by Brandon Morse

Ed. here. The last couple of months has been hard on Walt's blood pressure, and kindly ol' Doc Martin has suggested some time away from the USA might do him some good. He is therefore in partibus infidelibus until further notice, but we -- Poor Len Canayen and I -- won't let our faithful readers down.

Our National Sports Editor will wait until after tonight's NHL playoff game between the Penguins and the Habs to make sure he wasn't dreaming on Saturday night, so today we'll share with you excerpts from "Stop Being Nice: A Rant You're Not Going to Like", by Brandon Morse, in RedState, 31/7/20. By "you", Mr Morse means you conservatives and libertarians who aren't fighting back against the BLM/SJW/Antifa war on our society. Here are some choice chunks from his call to action.

I'm convinced that we've become a nation that has gotten so out of control in our adherence to social justice that it's even infected the people who are supposed to resist it, or worse, we've become too scared to rebel against it....

America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, isn’t living up to its reputation as either of those things. Social justice has infected everything and turned the United States into the shadow of its former self.

Despite all the fighting back we've done, the left is still managing to make their reality-rejecting ideological stances the standard in how the public conducts itself. It doesn't matter if its a complete denial of science or embracing failed political systems, the general public has become too afraid to look at the raging, temper tantrum throwing, hate-filled left and say "no."....

Social justice has taken over our society so much that we have a mass of people so brainwashed by leftist propaganda that they actually believe that socialism and communism are awesome. Socialists and communists [come] out of the woodwork to let me know that capitalism is actually the place where people starve and that Soviet Russian citizens actually ate better than Americans back in the day....

So convinced are the brainwashed left by their professors and peers, however, that their position is that my own eyes and ears are useless and that I should trust theirs. So consumed with social justice are they, that despite reality slapping down every position they have on the subject, they embrace it with their heart and soul to the point of violence....

These are the same idiots screaming "Black Lives Matter" in the streets as they burn down black-owned businesses, destroy their neighborhoods, and even kill them over television sets during riots. The same idiots who tell you that they're the good guys as they pummel you into a near-coma because you think pummeling people into a near-coma isn't the way we fix society.

...the end-goal of Black Lives Matter isn't equality and elevation of black lives but the fact that despite repeated actions from the BLM rioters and their leaders have proven me right time and again, the general public either still believes BLM cares or is too afraid to say otherwise. It's this cowardice that drives me nuts.

Our nation is collapsing around us, people have lost or are losing their jobs, businesses are failing, and the stress of it all is causing drug and alcohol abuse, as well as suicide rates to shoot up....

If all the truly responsible people went out and opened their businesses and conducted their lives like normal, the politicians and COVID-Karens could rant, scream, and rave all they want, lefty doctors could fear-monger till they were blue in the face and show us skyrocketing infection rates, but beyond these people, you wouldn't know a damn bit of difference between now and pre-COVID America....

I think a lot of this is happening because, frankly, we've become so passive and polite. Our enemies have interpreted our mild-mannered kindness as weakness and we’ve done nothing to prove otherwise....

I'm sick of this "nice guy" routine we’ve gotten ourselves into a rut with. It’s not doing us any good and we’re clearly being taken advantage of....

I'm promoting self-defense, which we have a right to. I guarantee that if rioters began seeing that the likelihood of being shot went up significantly, you'd see a lot of people a lot less gung-ho about being destructive and violent. The choice to loot and pillage becomes a lot more difficult to make when the consequences involve dying somewhere between the store and the hospital bed.

That means speaking truths that are uncomfortable and not doing things that our polite society has taught us to do. Stop qualifying your facts with reassurances that you’re not racist or sexist. Stop being afraid to make other people uncomfortable with your disagreements. ...stop entering every verbal combat situation by putting yourself on the back foot as a show of friendliness. They won't show you that mercy and will only take advantage of it.

We're not a nation of cowards so let's stop acting like it. The old saying that "all evil needs in order to succeed is for good men to do nothing" applies here. Our enemies deserve no quarter as we have received none ourselves.

Fight back.

That's about half of what Brandon Morse wrote. Click on the link in the introduction to read the whole thing. Any further comment from us, even an "Amen!", would be superfluous.

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