Saturday, August 15, 2020

"The Australian"'s take on the Biden-Harris ticket

The Australian is a newspaper, the biggest one in the Land of Oz. It is owned by Lupert MUrdoch's News Corp, not known for its friendliness to liberals and liberal causes. It was therefore not unexpected that the paper might be less than enthusiastic about Slow Joe Biden's choice of running mate -- a choice pretty much forced on him by the success of the #MeToo and #BLM movements. The current political climate in the Excited States of America is such that he couldn't do other than pick a Black(ish) woman to balance the Dumbocratic ticket. Here's how The Australian sees it.

Shocking, isn't it?! Outrageous! Racist! Misogynistic! Anti-Black! Anti-wimmin! [That's enough pejoratives. Ed.] The cartoon drew immediate criticism from the usual suspects, including some Aussie politicians. Andrew Giles, a Labour pol and shadow cabinet minister called it "offensive and racist." Former attorney-general (((Mark Dreyfus))) tweeted, "If The Australian has any respect for decency and standards it must apologise immediately, and never again publish cartoons like this."

Apology came there none. The Australian's editor-in-chief, Christopher Dore, stood by the cartoon, saying Johannes Leak, the cartoonist, was mocking Mr Biden's own words. "The words 'little black and brown girls' belong to Joe Biden, not Johannes, and were uttered by the presidential candidate when he named Kamala Harris as his running mate yesterday; he repeated them in a tweet soon after," Dore said in a note to the newspaper's staff, copied to Reuters by News Corp.

A News Corp spokesman declined to comment on the cartoon. So did a spokesthingy for Creepy Joe's campaign. End of "story".

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