Friday, September 10, 2021

VIDEOS: Biden and Bush warn: Real enemies aren't Muslims, but "extremists at home"

Ed. here. The anniversary of 9/11 saw lots of speeches, including those made by ex-President Dubya, who started America's meddling in the Muslim civil war, and the incumbent, who ended it (or so we are to believe). 

Although Mr Biden is a Dumbocrat, and Mr Bush a RINO [Is he still registered as a Republican? Ed.], they found a common theme. The dastardly attack, perpetrated by devout followers of the Prophet, abetted by Saudi citizens residing in the US of A, shouldn't be blamed on Islamic extremists or Muslims generally. On no. They are all followers of the Religion of Peace, dontcha know.

Here's a clip, excerpted (but not manipulated) from the official video released by the White House today. Listen to this, Americans, so you'll know where your freely and fairly elected President stands.


Former President Bushleague doesn't speak directly of Islamophobia or of the Religion of Peace. Instead, he warns us against "violent extremists at home", who (he says) are different from "violent extremists abroad" -- not  really the same as the crazed Muslims who took those jets for a one-way ride with a sudden stop. 


What sort of "extremists at home" do you suppose Dubya has in mind? Antifa? BLM? Surely not the peaceful protesters who occupied the Capitol on January 6th, one of whom was killed by police -- the only one who died in an event which the Democraps and lickspittle media keep telling us was worse than 9/11.

Elsewhere in his speech, Mr Bush made his views clear. He reaffirmed his belief that Americans should continue to welcome refugees and immigrants into the United States. "At a time when nativism could have stirred hatred and violence against people perceived as outsiders, I saw Americans reaffirm their welcome to immigrants and refugees. that is the nation I know," is what he said.

But let's be charitable to the two presidents. They are both in their seventies, and obviously cognitively challenged. One is suffereing from senile dementia. The other is an imbecile. If you find anything wrong with what these two men are saying, don't complain to us. You know what to do, next time you get the chance.

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