Saturday, September 18, 2021

UPDATED: Are Canadians being set up for a US-style fake election?

Ed. here. Walt is en route to what could be the scene of the crime. What crime? How about a fake election, with the winner already determined, and the machinery in place to ensure that the result is what the liberal one-worlders want, i.e. a win, close enough to be plausible, for Prime Minister Blackie McBlackface. In Canada? Surely not! 

But wait... Before he left, Walt told me to check a story posted on the CTV News website yesterday, September 17th, at 1029 EDT. Here's the headline. "Assuming current scenario holds, 'we're looking at a Liberal win,' Nanos says". "Nanos" is Nik Nanos, a "non-biased" (read: liberal) pollster currently selling his guesswork to CTV and the Globe and Mail. Such is Mr Nanos' lack of bias that for the first three weeks of the election campaign he wouldn't even ask people if they intended to vote for Max Bernier's People's Party of Canada. PPC support was just lumped in with "other". 

Here is the key part of the article, explaining why Mr Nanos is so certain of the result -- 72 hours before voting commences! 
"Examining the share of seats in the House of Commons the Liberals could win, Nanos said it looks like history is shaping up to repeat itself in 2021.
"And what could aid that Liberal victory? Mail-in ballots.
"According to Nanos Research's nightly tracking data conducted for CTV News and the Globe and Mail, which was released on Friday, those Canadians who plan to vote by mail-in ballot are four times more likely to vote for the Liberals than the Conservatives." 

OK, that's Mr Nanos' guess, and he (and other pollsters) have been known to be wrong before. That's what Walt thought. But this morning the CBC -- owned and operated by the Canadian Ministry of Truth -- advised Canucks that they "might go to bed Monday night without knowing the final results of the federal election. They might not even know who won by Tuesday morning." 

Howcum? "That's because this year, Elections Canada isn't counting hundreds of thousands of local special ballots — votes from Canadians living in their ridings who opted to vote by mail — until Tuesday." 

Elections Canada is the "independent" agency of the Government of Canada (J. Trudeau, Prop.) charged with running federal elections. The people who work for Elections Canada -- even the temps -- is beholden to the Liberal government for their jobs and salaries. That includes the people who will count the mail-in ballots in the wee hours of Tuseday morning.

Theirs is a hard job. "The returning office has to go through a set of verifications before they even open a ballot envelope to put it in the box," said Elections Canada spokesperson Diane Benson. Those verifications include making sure those who voted by mail did not also vote in-person on election day. "Only after that will those ballots be counted," said Benson. "So it could be Wednesday, Thursday, Friday ... because it depends on the volume and it depends on how long it takes to do those verifications and then the count."

Can we be forgiven for mooting a resemblance to the way the job is done in places like Philadelphia, where (it is said) the folks counting the ballots call up Democratic Party HQ not to report on how many votes were cast, but to ask how many votes they need!

We cannot forget what happened in the darkness of the night of November 8th-9th. President Trump had a comfortable lead in Pennsylvania until around midnight, when counting (or at least reporting) suddenly was "paused". Then, a couple of hours later, there was an incredible surge of results from mail-in ballots, 99% of which were for Sleepy Joe Biden. 

Of course in Canada no-one would suspect fraud if the results changed dramatically at sunrise of The Day After... would they?

UPDATE ADDED 21/9/21: As it turned out, the mail-in ballots, which are being counted even as I write, were not a big factor in the Gliberal win. There were only a handful of ridings (electoral districts) in which the in-person count was so close that the number of mail-in ballots received (which was known, since, unlike the USA, only ballots received on election day would be counted) could make a difference. A couple of seats might change hands, but the same could happen as a result of a recount, so overall, no biggie.

1 comment:

  1. They certainly are being set up by the never corruption of the natural ripoff artists.
