Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Canadian election: Impact of the People's Party of Canada

In yesterday's analysis of the pointless and inconclusive Canadian election, I wrote (in the first footnote) that Maxime Bernier's People's Party of Canada had drawn enough votes away from the so-called Conservative Party to cause them to lost "seven or eight" ridings.

A former Conservative Member of Parliament with the improbable name of Inky Mark has done a more careful analysis, and finds that the actual number of seats the Cons could have won, had they had the votes cast for the PPC, is... wait for it... 22! Here's his list.

That should provide some food for thought for "Conservative" strategists when they conduct their review of leader pro tem  Erin O'Tool's clever (?) plan to make the CPC resemble the Gliberals in all but name (and party colour, of course).

Footnote: As of this morning, there are 17 ridings in which the result of in-person voting is close enough that the mail-in ballots could overturn the provisional result. I'll post the final seat count after the Liberal appointees at Elections Canada get through manipulating it, but if you bet Blackie McBlackface would lose... pay up!

Further reading: "The Problem With Canada", by David Solway on PJ Media, 22/9/21.

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