Friday, September 17, 2021

VIDEO: Canadian election: Dr Jordan Peterson talks with Max Bernier

Right from the day Prime Minister Blackie McBlackface called the totally unnecessary general election to be held on September 20th, the Canadian media -- bought and paid for by the Liberal government -- have pretended that Maxime Bernier and his People's Party of Canada don't exist. So also with the pollsters and, as reported here, the "non-partisan" (HA!) Leaders' Debate Commission

There was, and still is, a rather obvious conspiracy to silence any voices not subscribing to the liberal orthodoxy. It has become impossible, just this week, for the elites and their controlled media to ignore "Mad Max" and the PPC any longer. Just today a poll by the liberal Nick Nanos showed the PPC with over 7% support nationwide, compared with the 2% of the popular vote which they garnered in the 2019 election. 

The so-called (but not really) Conservatives, and their leader Erin O'Toole, are quaking in their boots, fearing that the PPC will bleed off just enough of their support to ensure a win for the loathsome Liberals. 

Dr Jordan Peterson, well known as a voice of conservative reason in a loony liberal world, invited both M Bernier and Mr O'Tool to discuss their positions, and the future of conservatism in Canada. Mr O'Tool declined. So now we have Dr Peterson's wide-ranging interview with M Bernier, recorded yesterday. If you have yet to hear M Bernier explain himself and his aims, here's your chance.


Further viewing: "The Great Non-Debate - Part 3", WWW 10/9/21 -- Lauren Chen debriefs Max Bernier and David Freiheit, the PPC candidate in the riding of Montréal-Westmount.

Now, for the last time: Walt's advice for conservative Canucks, and everyone else who's sick of Just In Trudeau and all his pomps and wokeness: 
If you live in a riding where the Conservative candidate is in a close race with the Liberals or NDP, hold your nose and vote for him/her. 
If you're in a Québec riding where the Cons have little chance, vote for the PPC if they have a decent chance of winning, otherwise for the Bloc. 
In all other circumstances, cast your ballot for the only party that offers a real conservative alternative -- Maxime Bernier's People's Party of Canada.

Unless something really astounding happens this weekend, this will likely be my last post until Tuesday. I am planning to be somewhere north of the World's Longest Undefended Border to watch the returns come in on Monday. It promises to be a long and interesting night.

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