Tuesday, September 14, 2021

UPDATED: Reaction to result of CA recall election

UPDATE ADDED 17/9/21: The original headline for this post was: "Californians! Just for once, cast your vote for a reasonable alternative". As the last sentence suggests, I didn't really expect that the drive to get Gavin Newsom recalled would succeed... and it didn't. 

I have been thinking about what to say by way of comment, but have been spared the necessity of further thought by the posting on the Babylon Bee of the following: "Californians Desperate To Escape Cling To Landing Gear Of Last Jet Leaving LAX". Thank you, BB. 

I don't write much about California, its leftist politicians and loony left policies because, frankly,I wish the whole state, or the lower coastal part of it at least, could be sawed off and left to drift forever in the Pacific. I do recognize that there are some sensible people in California -- the kind who read WWW! -- and I urge you to vote today (if you haven't already done so) in the election to recall Gavin Newsom.

The effort to get rid of the one of the wokest governors in the nation comes to a conclusion today. If you haven't voted by mail, you can still vote in person. Polls close at 2000 PDT.

The recall is opposed by all the Dumbocrat heavyweights, from President Biteme and Nancy Pelosi down to AOC and Mad Maxine Waters, and let's not forget Kamala Harris. [Who she? Ed.] The Hollywood elites also want to keep Mr Newsom in the state house, and are trying to discredit the main challenger, Larry Elder, as "the black face of white supremacy." You couldn't make this stuff up, but that's California!

Walt urges you to vote YES on the recall and for Larry Elder as Governor. 

Please, dear people of California, just this once, do the right thing and vote for sanity. Go ahead and make my day! 

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