The United States Congressional Budget Office warned yesterday that the American middle class faces its "worst decade in modern history". CBO director Doug Elmendorf said that without action by Congress to avoid the "fiscal cliff", Americans should expect a "significant recession" and the loss of some two million jobs. Something to think about between now and November.
Meanwhile, courtesy of the seldom-seen Agent 1, here's something to turn your frown into a smile.
The Mexican maid asked for a pay increase. The wife was very upset about this and decided to talk to her about the raise. "Now Maria," she asked, "why do you want a pay increase?"
Maria: "Well, Señora, there are tree reasons why I wanna increaze. The first is that I iron better than you."
Wife: "Who said you iron better than me?"
Maria: "Jor huzban he say so."
Wife: "Oh yeah?"
Maria: "The second reason eez that I am a better cook than you."
Wife: "Nonsense, who said you were a better cook than me?"
Maria: "Jor hozban did."
Wife, increasingly agitated: "Oh he did, did he???"
Maria: "The third reason is that I am better at sex than you in the bed."
Wife, really boiling now and through gritted teeth: "And did my husband say that as well?"
Maria: "No Señora...... The gardener did."
Wife: "So... how much do you want?"
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