Walt's post of two weeks ago, "Correcting errors of Vatican II chief problem in SSPX-Rome talks" drew some comments and questions along the lines of: once Rome speaks, can it ever say it "misspoke"? More specifically, can the "reforms" of Vatican II ever be reversed or will its evil continue to spread like a cancer until Holy Mother Church is consumed and dies?
Two days after I wrote, Kurt Cardinal Koch, President of the "Council for Promoting Christian Unity", told Katholische Presseagentur Oesterreich [Austrian Catholic Press Agency] that adherents of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) were really "Lutherans"! Why? Because they reject the "binding nature in terms of content" of Vatican II.
The prelate went on to say that the "ecumenism" foisted on the Church by Vatican II "must be and remain a central theme of the Church." Sorry, but that's wrong! "Ecumenism" is the sheep's clothing of "syncretism" -- the teaching that all religions are the same, and worship the same god in different forms and by different means. That's heresy, repeatedly condemned by the pre-Conciliar Church, only to be reintroduced in the Vatican II document Lumen gentium.
Can Lumen gentium and all the other claptrap of Vatican II -- especially the New Mass -- be set aside? Can the Council itself be declared a nullity? The answer is YES. There is historical precedent for such a reversal. Several purported councils of the Church were later declared heretical by popes.
The Traditio website gives us the Catholic theological term for these false councils: Conciliabulum, a Null-council. And it gives us four examples:
Quinisext Council in Trullo (692), declared null by Pope Sergius I
Council of Hieria (754), which Pope Stephen II declared null in 769
Council of Pisa (1511), which Pope Julius II declared null
Council of Pistoia (1794), condemned by Pope Pius VI, which, Traditio says, was the forerunner of Vatican II
Could a declaration of nullity be the fate of Vatican II? Those who espouse the true Catholic Faith -- the traditional Faith handed down to us through the apostles and doctors of the Church over 19 centuries -- should hope and pray so.
Footnote: Walt modestly suggests a better name for the Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Surely it would be more appropriately called the Drawing All Faiths Together Council -- DAFT for short.
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