Sunday, June 19, 2022

June 2022 - the month of pride and pox

In case you haven't noticed -- perhaps you've been vacationing on Mars -- it's Gay Pride Month. 

Private residences and public buildings, including "Catholic" schools and the American embassy in the Vatican, are gayly decorated with flags striped with all the colours of the rainbow, plus black and white and pastels. Politicians of every stripe [geddit? Ed.] and their bespoke media are pushing the pro-queer agenda, and corporate America is on the bandwagon, with Disney in the van of the Pride Parade.

And the people. Lord, the people! Not just guys (?) like this one, crying "We want to be treated just like everyone else!", but the drag queens, who now shimmy and simper on whole TV shows, and are invited to preach their "new normal" lifestyle to our children in woke libraries and schools. 

If you, as a concerned parent, should dare to object to having your kids exposed to this kind of grooming, well, you're homophobic, and shame on you!

I hope I'm not the only one who sees a certain irony or (dare I say it?) justice in the fact that Pride Month 2022 has seen an unprecedented outbreak of monkeypox, a loathsome disease transmitted by intimate contact between male homosexuals.   

The lamestream media are downplaying the queer connection. In places like San Francisco and Toronto, vaccination clinics are being organized, they tell us, for "at-risk populations". We are left to guess what kind of people are covered by that phrase. 

As I wrote almost a month ago, this is not the first punishment God has visited on people who break His commandments. (Follow the "Further reading" link below.) His punishment of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah is recounted in the Old Testament (Genesis 19) and the Qu'ran. 

Traditionally, Sodom and Gomorrah have been associated with homosexual acts. The mob of men that accosts the angels had demanded of Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, so that we may know them." (Genesis 19:5). This has long been interpreted as "carnal knowledge" and many believe that it is the widespread homosexuality of the inhabitants that earns their obliteration. 

Other Biblical references to Sodom and Gomorrah, including Jude 1:7, which mentions sexual immorality and "unnatural lust", and the "abominable things" of Ezekiel 16:50, are seen as support for this view. Laws against unnatural acts -- almost all repealed or forgotten in the Great Reset -- use terms such as "sodomy", "abomination", and "sins against nature".

God loves us, but God is just, and tells us plainly that He will punish those who transgress His laws. He gave us the example of Sodom and Gomorrah, and we didn't learn the lesson. Thousands of years later, God visited the plague of HIV/AIDs on our increasingly decadent and depraved society. Still, we didn't learn. And now we have monkeypox, just in time for Pride Month. 

Our scientists tell us they are smarter than God (in whom they don't believe anyway) and can cure, or at least reduce the effects of such diseases. Wouldn't it be better to obey God's rules for living -- rules that He has made for our own good -- than suffer the consequences of disobedience? 

I give you that thought since you're not likely to hear it in the woke media or even at your woke church. Pretending that homosexuality, transgenderism etc etc are "normal" in our new woke society is the message of Pride Month. That message is wrong! Even if you don't believe in God, there is such a thing as natural law, which cannot be disregarded with impunity. Thus endeth the lesson.  

Further reading: "Homosexuality condemned in the Word of God", WWW 9/7/09.

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