Thursday, January 27, 2022

VIDEOS: Fed-up Canuck truckers' protest rolls on to Ottawa

It usually takes a hockey-related controversy to get the Canadian sheeple off  their duffs and into the streets, especially in the dead of winter. That happens about once in a generation. But this past weekend, the phlegmatic Canucks apparently reached the boiling point -- fed up with rising gas prices, inflation, Wuhan flu lockdowns, and, above all, vaccine mandates.

Worldwide Freedom day normally passes unnoticed in Canuckistan, but this year was different. The sixth edition of the Worldwide Rally for Freedom saw 1000s of people gathered at Parc Lafontaine in Montréal, in -30 C weather to march for freedom. We have video.  


Walt hopes you noticed, at about 4:00, the flag being waved by some marchers. It is the flag of Le Vieux de `37, aka Le Patriote, whose image you will find elsewhere on WWW. That flag is to Canadians -- French-Canadians at least -- what the Gadsden flag is to patriotic Americans.

In Toronto the Good, other flags were being waved, notably the Maple Leaf Flag (sometimes held upside down, the universal signal of distress) and banners reading "Fuck Trudeau", at a similar rally which began at Queen's Park. Again, we have video.

No mainstream politicians were sufficiently in favour of freedom to turn out, but our old friend Maxime Bernier, leader of the People's Party of Canada, joined the demonstrators in Toronto. Heeeeeere's Max!

But wait (as Vince Offer used to say), there's more. Much more! Last weekend saw the beginning in Canada's west of an "On to Ottawa" motorcade of Canadian truck drivers, incensed by the Trudeau Liberals' latest control freakery -- a mandate that all truckers entering or re-entering Canada, regardless of citizenship, be tested for the Kung flu. Without exception. And this in spite of the dire economic implications of further restrictions on cross-border traffic.

The Freedom Convoy [Walt made that up! Ed.] gathered steam [diesel, surely. Ed.] as it rolled eastward through the prairie provinces, but really made the libtard pols (including those in the the Cuckservative Party) sit up and whine when it hit Ontario yesterday. 

With the main group passing through Thunder Bay and heading across northern Ontario to the nation's capital, another group geared up [Geddit? Ed.] in southern Ontario, like a snowball starting in Windsor and gaining more and more participants as it headed east through the Niagara Region into the so-called Golden Horseshoe. Here's more video.

At first the lickspittle media (which includes all the print and broadcast media with the possible exception of the Post newspapers) poo-pooed the truckers' demonstration, claiming that they represented only a small fraction of those employed in the industry. 

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Blackie McBlackface went in front of the cameras to say that the demonstrators and the 1000s of supporters now lining highways and overpasses to show their support, don't represent the way most Canadians feel, but are just a "fringe minority" who hold "unacceptable views". No kidding. Watch this.


The nerve of it! The sheer unmitigated gall! But the truth will out. So scared is Mr Socks of this "finge minority" that he annouonced today that he had "been in contact" with someone who might have the dreaded virus that -- even though he had not tested positive -- he thought it better to isolate himself in his little cottage in the shadow of Rideau Hall, for the next five days.

That means that His Excellency -- loathed by Canadians even more than was his father -- will not be on hand to meet or listen to the truckers when they arrive on Saturday. Imagine that. But Max will be there!

If you're a fed-up frostback -- vaccinated or unvaxxed -- and can get to Ennui-on-the-Rideau this weekend, you're welcome to join the fringe. Masks will not be required. Bring your own flag. 

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