Friday, January 21, 2022

VIDEO: Michael Matt on the Godless agenda of "good Catholics"

Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant newspaper, has asked us to share his latest video: "THE GODLESS AGENDA: From Davos to the Vatican". He writes:

I start out with something that struck me about the escalating problem of President Joe "The Catholic" Biden and his war on "domestic terrorists”: Is this where Neo-Catholicism ends up? Sixty years after Vatican II, "reformed" Catholics will become the jailors of freedom-loving patriots? First they canceled God’s rights, and now they’re going to cancel ours? 

Biden calls us domestic terrorists, Pelosi wants us in jail, AOC wants to defund the police, Guterres over at the UN wants to force our kids to get vaxxed and brainwashed, Melinda Gates is trying to depopulate Africa, and Francis of Rome is cancelling our Mass. To a man, these disturbed people all claim to be "Catholics in good standing"!

Gavin Newsom, Tony Fauci, the Cuomo brothers – they all claim to be Catholic, and yet they’re hellbent on criminalizing anyone who disagrees with them. At the same time, Pope Francis's agenda lines up perfectly with that of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and George Soros. Houston, we’ve got a problem!

Using vintage testimony from William F. Buckley and Michael Davies, I explain why attacking the traditional Catholic Mass and Sacraments has always been key to the establishment of a new globalist political order, what some might call the Reign of Antichrist and others hail as the Great Reset.

Looking at all this, I can’t help but ask the question: How much worse does it have to get before we fall on our knees and beg God to return from His banishment to save this brave new burning world? As I explain in this video, the Covid narrative may be coming apart at the seams. But, even if it is, we have only a brief window of opportunity to prepare to do a better job defending our country and our Church from whatever these demon "Catholics" come up with next. 


Mr Matt concludes: Only God can save us now. So, let's bring Him back. Please join me in calling this crusade. This may well be our last chance... but at least we have a chance. God is good! 

Walt can only say "Amen!"

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