Friday, January 8, 2021

The year ahead in Canadian politics

 As I said yesterday, it looks as if the fight for the presidensity of the Excited States of America is over. In a prerecorded televised statement, President Trump said he would work towards an orderly transition to the "new administration". And it looks as if the Democrats' howls of "Off with his!" are not being heard, at least not by Vice-Presidsent Pence. So all that remains now is to see what happens on Inauguration Day.

Therefore, absent some kind of divine intervention, there will be no major electoral activity in the US of A this year, and WWW will have to look to the Great No-longer-white North for entertainment of that sort. Last time we heard, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (aka Trudeau II, "Mr Socks", and "Blackie McBlackface") headed a minority Liberal government which remains in office by the grace of the slightly more leftish NDP (read: socialists).

Theoretically this situation could continue until the fall of 2023, but the betting is that the Liberals could lose a vote of confidence sometime this year. There is also speculation that Just In Himself could also walk across the the lawn between Rideau Cottage and Rideau Hall to ask Governor-General Julie Payette either to resign or (more likely) to let him resign, and call an election.

One of Walt's favourite blogs, Blazing Cat Fur, today featured this excellent meme summing up perfectly the feelings of a great many old stock Canadians.

I haven't started making the popcorn just yet, but have reminded Ed. to buy some if he can find a store that isn't locked down.

Sad footnote: Kathy Schaidle, who formerly wrote Five Feet of Fury and became one of the forces behind Blazing Cat Fur, has entered a hospice, near the end of a long battle with cancer. Please keep her in your prayers, as we do. 

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