Thursday, January 14, 2021

Not all Canadians are deluded and delusional liberals

If you believe the Canadian lamestream media -- the CBC (Canadian Broadcorping Castration) or read the Toronto Red Star, Maclean's quasi-magazine or the Groan and Wail -- you would think that 99% of the residents [legal and illegal, Ed.] of Canuckistan were true believers in the liberal ideals of their Prime Minister, Blackie McBlackface, and his coterie of anti-Trump, anti-Caucasian, anti-Western do-good wienies. You would be wrong.

Fortunately for the Great No-longer-white North, there are some Canucks who do not believe in M Trudeau's "post-national", one-world ideal, and who will not be silenced. Pictured above, on the Canada for Trump Facebook page, is a lady who said she had travelled to Texas to rally for Still-President Trump.

But wait (as Vince Offer used to say), there are more! Pictured below are Canadian nurses Kristen Nagle and Sarah Choujounian, first and second from left, with other members of Global Frontline Nurses in a photo posted to Ms Choujounian's Instagram account.
Where are they? Why, in Washington DC, on the steps of Capitol Hill! When was that? On January 6th! And why were GFN's members there? According to a GFN press release, the gathering was intended to "share insight about COVID fraud and corruption inside hospitals." 

For the sin of attending an event which was contemporaneous with the mass protest against the 2020 fake election, Ms Nagle, a neonatal ICU nurse from London ON, and Ms Choujounian, a registered practical nurse from Toronto, are being "investigated" [read: persecuted] by the College of Nurses of Ontario. 

The hospital at which Ms Nagle worked has been placed her on unpaid leave. Ms Choujounian's employer, a long-term care home, says she is no longer with them. It seems that in spite of the "Covid crisis", the services of whistle-blowers are not "essential".  

The lamestream media consistently portray President Trump as a misogynist who delights in grabbing women by the pussy and is reviled by all educated suburban women. These Canadian ladies, apparently, are exceptions. They are being ostracized for daring to speak out, but Walt hopes they know they aren't alone.

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