Thursday, January 7, 2021

It's over!

I and about eleventy million other people witnessed yesterday's... errr... proceedings in and around the Capitol. As "mostly peaceful" protests go, this one lived up to its name. 

Although one woman was killed, supposed by "law enforcement", I didn't see a whole lot of violence. For the most part I saw protesters "engaging" with "law enforcement" -- shouting at them, haranguing them, reasoning with them. And I wondered how many of the assorted national guardsmen, cops and rent-a-cops had misgivings about confronting the protesters, all for the sake of making sure Joe Biden and Kamala Harris got formally elected, not just anointed by the media.

This morning questions are being asked by the usual suspects -- SJWs, the lamestream media, the anti-police gang -- about how the protesters were able to mass on Capitol Hill, and gain entry into the Capitol itself, so easily. The suggesion is that it was some sort of conspiracy between President Trump,  his supporters and "law enforcement" to stage a paramilitary coup. As if!

Whether the demonstration was orchestrated or not, it proved to be counter-productive. I understand where the protesters were coming from. Oh boy, do I understand! But what, I wonder, did the protesters think would happen? Did they really think occupying the Capitol would keep the solons from meeting... forever? Did they think "taking it to the street" would convince some of the anti-Trump senators and congresspersons to vote in favour of the objections filed by Senator Cruz et al?  Fat chance!

If anything, the protest appears to have changed the mind of some Republicans. When the objection to the counting of the votes of the Arizona electors came to a vote around 2200 EST, there were only six (6) "ayes" and 93 nays. The objections and horseshit-laden speeches continued into the wee hours, but only for the sake of form, and the vote of the Electoral College was duly confirmed. 

For me, the day and the result were best summed up by Senator Lindsey Graham when he said, "It's over!" So it is.

I note that President-elect Biden -- for now we can actually call him that -- decided last week to skip the traditional Inauguration Day parade. I wonder if he and his handlers were truly afraid for his security, or is that they were afraid of the optics of taking a victory lap following a rigged election which half the American people believe they stole by fraud and deceit.

Of course there was fraud and cheating, said some "honorable senators" last night. But there was no evidence (they said) that it was "massive". Just a little bit, you understand. Not enough to make any real difference. So that's OK then... they said. I had the sense that some who said such things were really acknowledging that the Democrats were better at cheating than the Republicans... this time! 

As they say in Lake Wobegon: What now, do ya think? I'll tell ya what. With the run-off election for both of Georgia's Senate seats now decided in favour of the Dumbocrats (albeit by narrow margins), the US of A is in for four years of affirmative action (read: reverse racism), extreme environmentalism (read: green-scam), tax-and-spend budgets, Antifa riots, weakening of "law enforcement", and all the other liberal "progressive" policies that have made California what it is today. God save the United States of America! 

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