Thursday, February 20, 2020

VIDEO: Max Bernier launches regular show on YouTube

Whatever happened (I hear some of you ask) to Maxime Bernier, erstwhile leader of the People's Party of Canada? The PPC attracted a lot of attention -- a lot of it negative -- in last fall's federal election, but, sadly, failed to elect even one Member of Parliament. Even "Mad Max" lost his own seat in the Québec riding of Beauce, beaten by dairy farmers who didn't like his call for the end of supply management.

Now that the nominally Conservative Party of Canada is struggling to find a leader to replace the sheeplike Andrew Scheer, there has been some loose talk about M Bernier having another go at it, since he led the contest through 13 ballots only to be pipped at the post by Mr Scheer, who was backed by the dairy farmers just mentioned and the CPC's perennial core of Francophobes.

Well, Mad Max ain't gonna do it, nor is he going to disband the People's Party and disappoint the 300,000 members who stood by him through and very thin. In a word, he's not going away. To begin the campaign for the next election, which could come at any time since Mr Socks leads a minority government, M Bernier has launched a weekly show on YouTube in which he promises challenging commentary and interviews on the issues that matter to real Canadians.

Here's the première, including: 1:25 - Why I won’t go back to the Conservative Party; 7:10 - Interview with Philip Cross on the next financial crisis; 39:55 - Editorial on the railway blockades; 41:50 - Political Circus: Peter MacKay and Pride Parades. Check it out.

s been some

If you liked what you saw, please subscribe. As he says in discussing the Cuckservative Party, Max Bernier is the only political leader in Canada who hasn't drunk the liberal Koolaid. He's saying what needs to be said, and what Canadians need to hear. Tell the others!

Footnote: Once and future PPC candidate Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson has her own YouTube channel and is presently busy defending herself against persescution by the "human rights" and "pro-choice" activists. Walt subscribes to both her and Max's channels.

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