Sunday, February 23, 2020

VIDEO: Is Pope Francis Catholic, after all?

Somewhere between the incredible (= not to be believed) Amazon Synod, held in Rome in October, and Querida Amazonia (= Beloved Amazon), Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation, released on February 12th, something astonishing happened. The highly anticipated document, the shortest ever written by this pope, is completely silent on the two hot-button issues which dominated the discussions at the synod: the possibility of married priests and women deacons.

Instead, it focused almost entirely on the "four great dreams" - social, cultural, ecological, and ecclesial - in which Francis says he hopes to awaken an "affection and concern" for the Amazon for the whole world. - while calling for “outrage” over the treatment of the region's land and its peoples.

Although the letter is meant to be a response to the synod's final document, "The Amazon: New Paths for the Church and for Integral Ecology", Francis does not address the issue of married priests directly, saying only that "every effort should be made" to ensure people in the Amazon region, some of whom only see a priest once or twice a year, have "regular access to the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and confession."

What happened? Did Pope Bergoglio and the other modernists in the hierarchy (especially the German bishops) just blink? Have they realized at last that by introducing a "new theology" that is antithetical to the Faith of our fathers, they are leading us into heresy?

In this video, Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant newspaper, says there was so much opposition coming from the ranks of faithful Catholics that, at least for the moment, "Team Francis" had to put their plans for married priests and women deacons on the back burner.

Bonus: If you haven't clicked the play button yet, there's more in this video. Mr Matt also asks and answers two very interesting questions:
Can a Catholic in good conscience vote for the twice-divorced Donald Trump? and
Is Rush Limbaugh right when he suggests that America may not be ready for President Buttigieg and the First Gentleman? Is this homophobic, or just a simple statement of fact? Watch the video!

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