Saturday, February 29, 2020

No room for SoCons in Canada's "Conservative" Party

In four short months, Canada's Perpetual Opposition Party (currently calling itself the Conservative Party of Canada) will hold a leadership convention to replace the Hon. Andrew Scheer, whose inability to talk out of both sides of his mouth about abortion and "gay rights" was demonstrated in last fall's federal election.

Canada's Cuckservatives had no position on "values issues", because they were (and remain) deeply divided. On the left there are the Red Tories who will do and say whatever it takes to win (or at least not lose too badly), even if that means sounding like alt-Liberals. Opposing them are the True-Blue Tories, who claim to be social as well as fiscal conservatives, but don't like talking about killing unborn babies or the nonsense of gender ideology.

It appears that although Mr Scheep himself claims to be a SoCon, the Red Tories had the upper hand in the smoke-filled backrooms. Thus true Canuck conservatives had no party to vote for except "Mad Max" Bernier's People's Party of Canada, and even the PPC was not very strong on the pro-life side, saying merely that they would "allow debate" on the issue. The result, a whoda-thunk-it victory for the Rt. Hon. Justin Blackface, was utterly predictable.

Knives were stuck in Mr Scheep's back within 24 hours, not just be Canada's liberal media (Hello, CBC!) but by those who would be the new leader, notably Peter MacKay, who likened the Tories' loss to "having an empty net to shoot at, and missing." Mr MacHackey is now the leading contender for the leadership, with only a non-entity named Erin O'Toole [Mr or Ms? Ed.] claiming to be "true blue".

Six other "Conservatives" have entered the lists, bringing the total number of contenders for the poisoned chalice to eight. Not admitted to the list, officially announced yesterday, was Richard Richard Décarie, a social conservative whose post-secondary education includes graduate studies in Philosophy – Applied Ethics from the Université de Sherbrooke. M Décarie had submitted the required application, fee and nomination signatures, and was interviewed by the party, as required by its rules. Yet his nomination was rejected.

Why is M Décarie not being allowed to put his name forward? CPC spokesthingy Cory Hann [Ms or Mr? Ed.] couldn't say specifically why not, because "the process is confidential." Walt suggests it may have something to do with M Décarie's very public statements of his belief that being one of the alphabet people is a choice, and that government should defund abortion.

M Décarie has also said that "LGBTQ" is a liberal term, and that governments should work to uphold and restore "traditional values." Some of his opponents, including Mr MacHackey, Erin O'Toole and Marilyn Gladu [Who she? Ed.], condemned his remarks as did current MPs, party strategists and former staff. It appears that M Décarie is about as welcome in today's "Conservative" Party of Canada as a skunk at a garden party.

Walt predicts that on June 27th, Peter MacKay will be chosen as the new Cuckservative leader. Walt further predicts that he will never become Prime Minister of Canada. Never! Lifetime pct .992.

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