Tuesday, July 25, 2017

UPDATED: Canadian media name Montréal Muslim who stabbed pregnant spouse, killing baby delivered by C-section

Canuck Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (aka the Hair Apparent) keeps rabbiting on about how diversity is Canada's strength. He keeps admonishing old stock Canadians about their dislike of Third world "refugees" and other immigrants, especially Muslims. Last spring, his Liberal party rammed a motion -- M-103 -- through Parliament to discourage people from saying anything which would tend to fan the flames of Islamophobia which are sweeping Canada faster than a BC wildfire.

Although the motion only confirms the "sense of Parliament" -- an oxymoron if ever there was one -- it has had a profoundly chilling effect on the pussies in Canada's lamestream media, notably the state-owned Canadian Broadcorping Castration. Today's case in point is "Husband arrested in stabbing of pregnant woman, whose baby died after C-section", a report on the CBC News website. Here are the first three paragraphs of the CBC News report.

A baby delivered by C-section after the child's mother was repeatedly stabbed has died in a Montreal hospital.

Police arrested the woman's husband, the primary suspect in the stabbing, not far from the apartment building where she was attacked. The man could face murder charges, according to police spokesperson Cmdr. Michael Chartrand.

The man's name has not been released
[My emphasis. Walt]

Neither Kamila Hinkson (the CBC typist who got the byline for the story) nor anyone else in the Canadian English-language media has so far had the intestinal fortitude to name the accused. (Ed. hasn't checked The Rebel, yet.) Could their reluctance to name names (from which we might guess the ethnicity and/or religion of the perp) have anything to do with M-103 and the government's dislike of anyone saying anything that would put non-Christian, non-white "newcomers" in a bad light? Let's check the French-language media to see what we can find out.

Turns out Ms Hinkson and her PC colleagues have been, errr, a little economical with the truth. La Presse tells us:

Le Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) ne voulait pas confirmer l'identité du suspect avant la fin de son interrogatoire hier. Mais sur le boulevard Langelier, à Montréal-Nord, plusieurs ont immédiatement fait le lien avec un locataire connu pour son problème de toxicomanie.

Sofiane Ghazi, 37 ans, était en couple avec une femme de 33 ans qui avait déjà deux jeunes enfants et qui attendait son troisième. La dame avait parfois peur de son conjoint, ont raconté plusieurs sources fiables.

For those not versed in the language of Molière, Walt can reveal that although the Montréal cops didn't want to disclose the ID of the culprit until they had finished their interrogation [Pass the rubber hose, please. Ed.], neighbours told La Presse they figured it was a 37-year-old crack addict by the name of... wait for it... Sofiane Ghazi. M Ghazi was coupled with a 33-year-old woman who already had two young children and was awaiting her third. Let's see. "Sofiane Ghazi". Doesn't sound French to me. Or English. Or anything else "old stock". If M Ghazi's ethnicity, religion and status in Canada are ever disclosed, Walt will let you know. But don't hold your breath.

Meanwhile, down at the courthouse... an interesting legal question arises. After being stabbed repeatedly in the abdomen, M Ghazi's partner was delivered of her child, by C-section. The mother survived, but the child, born live, did not. Was the child, then, a murder victim? Canadian courts will now have to revisit the question of when a fetus becomes a human being.

Under the Canadian Criminal Code (Agent 3 advises), "a child becomes a human being...when it has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother, whether or not (a) it has breathed; (b) it has an independent circulation; or (c) the navel string is severed." By that definition, the "thing" that M Ghazi stabbed, while still inside "its" mother, would not be considered a human being. That, of course, is what the pro-abortion people keep saying. It will be interesting to see what position the feminist Justin Trudeau and his feminine Minister of Justice take on this case.

UPDATE 26/7/17: The English-language Canadian media have now overcome their shyness to reveal the identity and other details of the murderer. We can call him that, for Sofiane Ghazi has been charged with the attempted murder of his wife, Raja Ghazi, and her baby. In an updated report by a different typist, CBC News reveals that, according to his Facebook page, M Ghazi moved to Montréal from Oran, Algeria, in 2012. Something like 95% of Algerians are... wait for it... Muslim. Unless and until M Ghazi says otherwise, we'll assume he too is a follower of the Prophet. Perhaps he will say that this was an affair of honour for which he should be excused in the name of "accommodation".

M Ghazi's FB page says he works at clothing retailer Lacoste and formerly worked at a heating, ventilating and air conditioning service located in Saint-Bruno. Last month, he was arrested and charged with assaulting his wife. Around the same time, he was arrested for allegedly stealing perfume from a Jean Coutu pharmacy.

Nothing  has been said yet about M Ghazi's immigration status, but Walt predicts (lifetime pct .988) that no matter the disposition of these and the latest charges, he will undoubtedly remain in Canada for a long time, possibly forever. After all, Junior Trudeau says Canada must welcome Muslims because they add to the diversity which makes the country strong.

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