Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Why America is hated (continued)

All right, then. Let's forget about the "technical difficulties", and let's accept that everything happened exactly the way the White House and the Pentagon say it did. [But which official version of the truth are we to believe? Ed.] Osama Bin Laden is dead. No matter whether he was killed in a firefight or murdered in cold blood after being taken captive, he's dead...deceased, expired, extinct, rung down the final curtain, gone to Paradise where he's busy deflowering 72 virgins.

Two questions remain.

First, why on earth would they dump his body in the ocean, rather than giving the corpse to his family for a proper burial, in the ground, with his head pointing towards Mecca, as Muslim tradition requires. At best, throwing Osama into the briny is a shockingly egregious display of cultural insensitivity or just plain ignorance.

The official excuse given is that the military didn't want the grave to become the site of religious pilgrimages which would only exacerbate anti-American sentiment. But at least, if all the Muslims were gathered around the grave, prostrate with their bums pointed skyward, you could see them!

Second question. Why will the White House not release the photos, so the conspiracy buffs might believe because they can see with their own eyes that Bin Laden is dead...deceased, expired [That's enough! Ed.]

The answer to that one is much like the answer to the first. President Osama doesn't want the gory photos to make the Muslims angry because they might, errr, do something. As if they're not already angry. As if they're not already doing things, like plotting and executing acts of terrorism. No? But the threat of terrorism is officially the reason why we invaded Iraq, then Afghanistan, with Libya possibly next on the list.

Walt is waiting for further and better answers from the Leader of the Free World. But Walt is not holding his breath.

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