Saturday, October 24, 2009

To my friends in Brampton

Greetings to Walt's readers and friends in Brampton, Ontario. You know, don't you, that you are members of a tiny minority which is shrinking daily.

The new majority -- the Sikhs -- used to vote solidly Liberal resulting in the election of non-entities like Gurbax Singh Malhi and princesses like Her Highness and chief nanny-abuser "Doctor" Ruby Singh Dhalla.

All that is changing. The Sikhs, whose only political belief is the struggle for a free Kalistan, are defecting to the Tories in record numbers. Read "The Battle for Brampton" , an excellent analysis by Joe Friesen, in today's Globe and Mail.

And, dear friends, if you're thinking of getting out of Brampton before you're the last white family left, you'll find lots of good houses for sale in western and south-western Ontario.

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