Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rushing the season

Why can't people wait to start decorating their houses for Christmas and, in recent years, Hallowe'en? Come to think of it, what's with decorating your house for Hallowe'en? Whose bright idea was that? The decorations manufacturers and costume-sellers, surely!

Let it be remembered that Halowe'en is a pagan celebration. If we must participate -- and lots of Christians would say we don't -- could we not confine it to the evening of October 31st?

Not far from Walt's log cabin is a house which the neighbours call "the tacky house". Here we've just got past Thanksgiving, and already the resident nutbar has his entire front yard filled with ghosts, goblins, tombstones, scarecrows and what have you, the whole thing cordoned off with yellow police tape. It is a sight for sore eyes...or maybe the right word is "eyesore". The sad thing is...there are others!

In Los Angeles, residents of a Marina del Rey neighbourhood thought a neighbour was rushing things a bit when they saw a lifeless figure on his balcony. Turns out it was real! Yes, the body of a 75-year-old man sat decomposing for days because neighbours didn't call police, thinking it was part of a Hallowe'en tableau.

Mostafa Mahmoud Zayed apparently shot himself through the eye on Monday, and started to rot where he sat, in a chair outside his third-floor apartment, according to Austin Raishbrook of RMG News.

Neighbours told Raishbrook they noticed the body three days earlier "but didn't bother calling authorities because it looked like a Halloween dummy," he said. "It's very strange," he added. "It did look unreal, to be honest."

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