Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Canada-Afghanistan connection

We're not talking opium or heroin here, although we might well be... No, we're talking about the political connection.

Reports coming out of Afghanistan indicate that Hamid Karzai -- the puppet of NATO -- is leading in the presidential election results, with about 54% of the "vote". I put "vote" in quotation marks because of the massive fraud, which is currently "under investigation" but will likely be confirmed by "independent" observers after a decent interval which will allow for the rug to be lifted high enough to have all the evidence swept under it.

Still, Karzai is clearly the creature and the front for western interests. Keeping him in office is costing billions of dollars and thousands of lives. (The Dutch had a bad weekend, losing more soldiers than the Canadians. Meanwhile the Americans are smart and just drop tons of bombs on all and sundry.)

"Hamid Karzai's woes are Stephen Harper's woes." So says John Ibbitson in today's Globe and Mail. Click here to read his excellent analysis. His conclusion: "If Canadians go to the polls often enough, they may start to ask themselves just what our country has achieved in this quagmire, and why." Indeed.

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